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America In The Age Of Stupidity: Nancy Pelosi, The Wicked Witch Of The West
After 30 years in office, Nancy Pelosi is running again, but you won’t believe what she’s calling herself.
Throughout history, we have gone through different ages, The Ice Age, The Gilded Age, and The Industrial Age. Now We Are Living In The Stupid Age, Where Reality, Truth, And Common Sense Don’t Exist.
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Chris Vaca you are a gentleman, perhaps too kind. The Wicked Witch of the West and her Flying Monkey orchestrated J6. She should be tried and strung. Try her in a kangaroo court, one like she gave DJT. Then, make her bunions dance!
There’s a ‘B’ missing, take out one of the ‘W’s.
Someone needs to do the world a favor and throw a pale of water on the old witch.