
Elite Colleges Show The Impact Of Lifelong Indoctrination

Amazingly, the colleges and universities where you think you would find the brightest thinkers and the next generation of leaders are dens of lemmings. Columbia, Yale, MIT, and Emerson College are some of these schools. The media focuses on East Coast schools, but West Coast schools like UCLA and UC Berkeley are also protested. Thousands of young students are taking to the campus courtyards to chant, beat drums, burn flags, and harass their Israeli classmates. They are protesting against Israel and American support for Israel. They are supporting Palestine and Hamas. These are not spontaneous, organic gatherings of intelligent, well-informed students united by a cause. These planned and funded statements by wealthy outside forces using these students as pawns in their chess game against the establishment. These organizers stay anonymous in the background, but they all share one thing: they hate America.

Signs, audio systems, and tents are the obvious signs of financial support for these uprisings. Sad accounts by Jewish students tell of the harassment they are experiencing, but worse is the threat to their safety. These students are urged to leave campus and return home. The school administrators, campus security, or local police cannot guarantee the Jewish student’s safety. These targeted students are afraid to leave their dorm rooms, and if they choose to stay, they attend their classes remotely.

These protest groups are very similar to the Holocaust deniers. They refuse to admit that Hamas is a terrorist group or that these thugs invaded Israel on October 7. They do not recognize the 1,200 tortured and killed Israelites or the over 100 hostages held by Hamas. These students are jeopardizing their status at the institutes they are paying dearly to attend by condemning the global stands or connections the schools have. Obviously, few of these students investigated these schools before agreeing to become a community member. They wear hijabs or surgical masks to protect their identity. Many of the overzealous protestors are being arrested or expelled by the institutions. This lapse in decorum will have a lasting impact on their future.

Many of these student protestors show little knowledge of the people or groups they support or the history of the Middle East. These female protestors deny the horrendous treatment of women by Hamas, Hezbollah, and many of the countries surrounding Israel, where women have equal rights as men. These LGBTQ groups screaming “We are Hamas” do not understand they would be put to death by the terrorist group they claim allegiance to. Students at Yale sing Black Civil Rights hymns, conflating the two issues.

These protests are going to have the adverse effect that these students want. They are forcing the school administrators to swing the schools to the Right and away from the WOKE or DEI influences that have brought them to these crossroads. These student protestors are showing their immaturity in being sucked into these gatherings and their ignorance of the facts and truth about the issues. These protests will lose momentum and dissolve as more students face accountability for their illegal actions. Unfortunately, the effect of a lifetime of indoctrination will not change as quickly. These children have been compromised, and only life’s experiences will show them the errors in this Progressive philosophy.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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One Comment

  1. We know that the vast majority of American muslims support Hamas (think about that means America) but the ignorance of American college students is astounding; obviously indoctrinated by their left wing anti-Semitic, Democrat college professors. Israel ceded the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians in 2005 and removed all their military and forcibly removed 23 settlements of their own people to give the Palestinians their “state”. And look what their capitulation has wrought. The Palestinians had the opportunity to create their ideal home but in 2006 elected the Hamas butchers to be in control of them and the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip which is prime real estate and has 26 miles of beautiful coastline on the Mediterranean Sea. More than the Gold Coast here from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami.
    And Just in case anybody still believes in the lie of a “two state solution” or like Biden, wants a ceasefire in Gaza; the leader of Hamas just announced the real goal. In a video interview, Ghazi Hamad, who lives a life of luxury in Qatar by spending millions of dollars in embezzled aid money, said his terrorist government has no intention of formulating any kind of peace. Instead, in his own words, they’ll just keep slaughtering Jews until Israel no longer exists.

    And, oh yeah, his life of luxury has been financed by Biden who has sent the Palestinians a half a billion dollars in “humanitarian aid”. And now he wants to send more aid to the Palestinians in the form of your tax dollars. Remember that the Palestinians elected Hamas to be in charge of the Gaza Strip in 2006 and so all of that aid is controlled by Hamas, it’s mostly fungible and so can be converted to buy weapons to kill Israelis or converted to cash and embezzled to their leaders like Hamad. There was never a Palestinian state, there is no “two state” solution and Israel needs to eradicate Hamas but whatever means necessary.

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