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KJP Said There Is No Cover-up. I Feel Better Now

After nine days without a White House briefing, Karine Jean-Pierre finally returned to work Thursday. It’s not like anything happened in that time. The President was pushed out of the race. Biden went into quarantine with COVID, the head of USSS resigned, and the Vice President was part of the coup to replace Joe on the ticket. But nothing happened that required a briefing from the White House. KJP explained it as the protocol that there are no briefings when the President is out of town. Do the lies ever stop? KJP had no issue going on The View yesterday, but she explained that her appearance was booked weeks ago. No more questions on that topic, please.

Karine set us straight early in the briefing when she emphatically declared there was no cover-up of Joe Biden’s health condition, and that is the final word. Do the lies ever stop? By the way, the press secretary was 90 minutes late for today’s briefing and saw no need to begin with an apology. Apparently, only one person’s time is valuable: Karine’s. If you watch the news and then one of Karine’s sessions, you quickly realize we live in parallel universes. I feel like a character in the Seinfeld episode, “Bizarro World.” KJP tells her own story and version of reality, and most reporters sit there like first-graders and take it all in. She has this insidious habit of repeating the last words of her sentences for emphasis and to give them her stamp of credibility.

An example is, “What this President did by setting aside his personal needs for the good of the country is historic and heroic…..historic and heroic.” Most reporters quickly write it down because Karine said it, which is good enough for them. But then she calls on Peter Doocy or Jacqui Heinrich of FOX News, and the claws come out.

I thought we had turned a page after the debate, and it seemed like the entire media corps had awakened and turned on little Karine. But with Joe pushed over the ledge and Kamala walking around with her new crown, the lemmings have fallen back into their places. That is, except for the Fox News Twins. Karine must cringe when she calls on them as the air immediately goes out of the Brady Room. It was Peter in the seat today, and he was ready. He went right for the jugular. “Who in the White House ordered the cover-up of the President’s declining health?” Karine’s facial expression changed, and you could see the wheels turning-why do we let this SOB into my briefing. She immediately went on the defensive and accused Peter of propagating a false narrative. “It is not easy making the decision that the President did on Sunday, it is not, is not.” (Double repeat is saved for rare occasions when you are driving home a lie) Then she starts laying out the Big Lie. This is historic and unusual; it is not the norm, especially for a man who has given his life for public service and he made the decision in just two days, which shows how quickly he can act. This is where they take bizarro to a new level. We have seen the criticism. We have seen the growing list of Democrats publicly calling for Biden to step down. We know of private meetings with Pelosi and Schumer sneaking into the White House’s back door. We heard the reports of Biden’s anger at his allies turning on him. Damn, when you lose the support of George Clooney, there is no place to hide. There is nothing heroic about what Joe Biden did-nothing (I can do it too). This entire gang got caught in a massive lie and cover-up, and you can trot this incompetent imp out twice a day with her notebook of mistruths, but most logical people can see through the fog. Let’s see what they program the President to say as he takes his spot in this charade from behind the resolute desk.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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One Comment

  1. Yes, yes, yes. I will remind about her “tell” which is the eyelid flutters. She lies with consistency, but the flutters come when Peter Doocy and company catch her off guard and she is making it up as she goes along lying. Maybe she is blinking out “HELP ME”!? I will admit I also can’t get past the bad, clown-wig hair. That is not me being catty. She is a reasonably attractive woman, but needs a stylist’s help to not look like an escapee from the circus or The Joy Reid School of Beauty Culture. I find the fluttering and hair make it difficult to take her seriously before she even begins speaking. One half exorctsher to break out in somersaults. It’s all very Harpo Marx. Give her a horn the Marxist advocator. Yes, it is Bizarro Land, I quite agree.

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