Most Democratic Voters Oppose The Abortion Policies Their Party Wants To Nationalize
Less than 20% of Democratic voters support legal abortion up to birth, even as Democrats attempt to codify that into federal law, a new poll found.
The poll, conducted May 6-8 by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action, found only 18.8% of Democrats in the survey supported legal abortion up to birth, and 45.3% supported legal abortion only in the first and second trimesters, according to the poll. A combined 35.9% of Democrats thought abortion should be illegal except in certain circumstances, which included the life and health of the mother, rape and incest and a cutoff at the point a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which occurs at around six weeks.
Democrats tried to ram through the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), sponsored by Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal and cosponsored by another 47 of 50 Senate Democrats, on May 11. The legislation would strike down all abortion limits in the first six months of pregnancy and force states to allow abortions even in the final trimester, when a child can survive outside the womb, if a healthcare worker finds that a pregnancy could threaten the mother’s mental or physical health.
Then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to say whether President Joe Biden supported legal abortion up to the point of birth May 5.
Only 18.8% 0f Democrats and 11.6% of voters overall support the Democratic agenda of abortion on demand and up until birth, according to the survey.
The poll found 13.9% of the general electorate thought abortion should be illegal except in the case of the life of the mother, 24% thought it should be illegal except in the case of rape, incest or the life of the mother, and 19.7% thought it should be legal until a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which occurs at around 6 weeks.
A combined 57.6% of respondents believed abortion should generally be illegal except in certain cases. Only 11.6% of respondents in the survey believed abortion should be legal up until the moment of birth, including partial-birth abortions, and 30.8% believed it should be legal only in the first and second trimester only.
The poll surveyed 1082 likely general election voters in May with a 2.99% margin of error.
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Where do the dums find all these gutter dwellers who like to write porn on their signs so they can have their pictures taken showing their education? They look young but how can they talk and write as if they’ve been around the wild side of life forever? Must be our schools and colleges/universities that teach that behavior. These girls need to be fixed so they can’t breed. They are the worst of the worst that life has to offer from the gutterrworld and they don’t quite make it as humans.