Nathan Phillips to be Named in Lawsuit
Over 50 media entities, politicians, and Hollywood celebrities are facing libel lawsuits from Nick Sandmann’s lawyers and among them will be the Native American activist Nathan Phillips who made the false accusations against the kids at Covington Catholic High School.
Lin Wood, an Atlanta-based lawyer, told LifeSite yesterday that Phillips’ “lies and false accusations” against Sandmann and the other Covington students are “well documented.”
Nathan Phillips has lived much of his life based on documented lies. He has a violent criminal record including assaults, trying to escape prison, and alcohol-related crimes.
The Washington Examiner reported on the crimes Phillips has committed (excluding violating the Stolen Valor Act),
“Phillips, who was 19 at the time, was “charged with escaping from the Nebraska Penal Complex where he was confined May 3,” according to a May 9, 1974, article in the Lincoln Star. The court approved a bond of $500 and set a preliminary hearing for May 14.
He pleaded guilty to assault on June 19, 1974, and was fined $200. In addition, he was charged with underage possession of alcohol in 1972, 1973, and 1975, as well as negligent driving. A destruction of property charge against him was dropped in August 1973, but Phillips was sentenced to one-year probation for a related charge of alcohol possession by a minor. In December 1978, he was charged with driving without a license.”
Nathan Phillips also violated the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 which makes it illegal to falsely claim military service in order to receive money, that is what he did when he raised money for a documentary where he used his Vietnam service that never happened as the reason for people to give him money. Back in January, the Conservative Daily News reached out to the director of the documentary, Maria Stanisheva, who said that she would not release it.
Phillips served in the military during the Vietnam era, but he never went to Vietnam. Nathan Phillips’ discharge papers showed that Phillips went absent without leave (AWOL) multiple times.
His life he has lived on lies and fraud that are documented, continued at the March for Life when the incident started where the Black Hebrew Israelites (an SPLC designated hate group) first went up to Native American activists and were calling indigenous marchers savages, and other derogatory names. They called protesters not only the N-word, but “Uncle Toms, and Uncle Tomahawks.” Then the SPLC designated hate group went up to the kids and called them “dirty a** crackers”, threatening them saying “YOUR DAY COMIN” they used the homophobic slur “f*ggot” endless amounts of times, the students booed in disgust and said they are still humans. For the crime of saying gays are human beings the SPLC designated hate group called them “future school shooters” and “a bunch of incest babies” and then one of the members of the SPLC designated hate group said of the African American kid who was with the Covington kids “He said he is a product of sodomy and he’s proud of it.”
The kids dealt with the attacks from the SPLC designated hate group for over an hour but then as they did a pep rally chant. Shortly after, Stolen Valor Nathan Phillips went over to the teenage boys and he banged the drum in the face of Nick Sandmann who just stood there first smiled then smirked in an awkward situation he didn’t know how to handle. All though he stood there confused about what was happening that didn’t stop him from gesturing to a fellow Covington student to hush and be more respectful of the Stolen Valor activist with a criminal record.

Nathan Phillipps claimed first that he was trying to diffuse the situation with this brand new method of diffusing conflicts, as in banging the drum in the face of one of the conflicting parties. Then he said that the Covington kids were chanting racist things back at the SPLC designated hate group but as CBS said: “there is no video evidence to support (Stolen Valor Phillipps’) claims.”
L. Lin Wood confirmed to Lifesite News that Stolen Valor Nathan Phillips will be among those they will sue for libel. The report reads
“Lin Wood, an Atlanta-based lawyer, told LifeSite yesterday that Phillips’ “lies and false accusations” against Sandmann and the other Covington students are “well documented.”
He also said they would be filing the first round of lawsuits “within two weeks.” Todd V. McMurtry, a Ft. Mitchell, Ky attorney, is also representing Sandmann and his parents. Doug Schloemer, a Ft. Mitchell, Ky attorney, represents a number of other students and Robert Barnes, a California attorney, is also representing families and students of Covington High School.”
The Conservative Daily News warned that the apology the Covington diocese was insincere and now they claim to be continuing “investigating” long after the facts had been uncovered about the case. Wood said in response:
“We have no idea why the investigation by the Diocese has not been concluded but we are confident that any objective review of the evidence will conclude that Nick did nothing wrong. Nick remained calm and well-mannered despite being confronted by an activist beating a drum within inches of his face while chanting loudly. Nick did not utter one word except to quietly urge a classmate to refrain from making any comments that might aggravate the situation created by Phillips and the Black Hebrew Israelites.”
The school prevented Nick Sandmann from going back to school for 6 school days after the incident and it took Sandmann’s lawyers making clear to the school they would not tolerate any isolation of Nick Sandmann. Wood said of that:
“His return was only allowed on February 1 after his lawyers made clear to the school that we would not tolerate Nick being isolated and singled out based on specious claims that he first needed to give a statement to the school without his counsel in attendance and that there were ongoing security concerns (all other students had already been allowed to return to classes). On Saturday, January 19, Nick provided the school principal with an unsolicited email describing the incident. Nick had also previously released a 3-page, detailed statement concerning the incident,”
Phillips previously made claims of racist abuse. In April of 2015, he claimed that a bunch of frat boys who had a Native American themed party, began to abuse and attack him, but the Ypsilanti police said that “there was no indication party goers maliciously intended to harass him because of his heritage.”
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