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Rubio Breaks from Trump: DOJ ‘Didn’t do Anything Wrong’ with Carter Page Surveillance

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) argued Sunday that the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) warrants to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page were justified. Rubio’s comments break from President Trump earlier on Sunday who claimed the DOJ documents prove his campaign was being spied upon.

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rubio said the Department of Justice and FBI did nothing “wrong” while obtaining warrants to monitor Carter Page.

“I don’t believe that them looking into Carter Page means they were spying on the campaign. I also don’t believe it proves anything about collusion or anything like that. I think Carter Page is one of these guys, we would never have heard of him before all this, but that was on their screen even before the campaign,” said Rubio.

Rubio added, “I don’t think they did anything wrong. I think they went to the court and got the judges to approve it and laid out all of the information and there was a lot of reasons unrelated to the dossier for why they wanted to look at Carter Page. And Carter Page was not a key member of the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign has said that.”

The Justice Department released documents on the surveillance warrants for Page on Saturday.

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Brady Kenyon

Brady is a contributing writer for Conservative Daily News.

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  1. Rubio is to be admired for his accomplishments and tenacity. When he first burst onto ‘center stage’ he was an immature man with ambition. In many ways he has overcome that image. But he is still our modern day Peter Pan and never quite ‘grown up’. He really wanted to be President and, dare I say, is still sulking & looking to 2020 with a strategy of only slightly showing a difference between him and the President….Yes, “Little Marco” has big plans.

  2. Little Marco is in a lot of ways little McCain and always tailors his comments to the desires of his audience. He is a politician in the worst sense of the word and should have stuck to his first sulking position of not running for reelection after having his a** handed to him by Trump.

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