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Biden’s Heading Into An Election With The Lowest Approval Numbers In Modern History, Gallup Finds

President Joe Biden received the lowest 13th-quarter approval ratings in modern history heading into an election where he hopes to secure a second term, according to a Gallup analysis released on Friday.

Biden averaged a 38.7% job approval score between Jan. 20 and April 19, Gallup found. The analysis indicates that Biden’s rating is lower than the 13th-quarter numbers for each of the last nine presidents elected to their first term.

Former Republican President George H.W. Bush previously held the record low for the first quarter of his reelection year at 41% approval, according to Gallup. Bush did not secure a second term.

Of the other presidents since former Republican President Dwight Eisenhower in 1956, the analysis found that former Republican President Donald Trump and former Democratic President Barack Obama received the next-lowest numbers at 46.8% and 45.9%, respectively.

Democrat Jimmy Carter was the only other former president to have scored below a 50% approval rating at this point in his tenure, during which he received 47.7% support, Gallup found. Carter also did not win his reelection bid.

Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush all averaged between 51% and 55% approval during their presidencies’ 13th quarter, and each won a second term, according to Gallup. Eisenhower, who sailed to reelection, notched the highest rating at 73.2%.

Biden hasn’t led Trump in the RealClearPolitics average for a 2024 head-to-head rematch since mid-September 2023, but is currently down by only 0.3 points. The former president is also ahead of Biden in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Neither the Biden campaign nor the White House immediately responded to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

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