BORDER CRISIS: Methed-Out Driver Tried To Fool Police After Being Caught Hauling Truckload Of Dead Migrants
The allegedly methed-out driver of an 18-wheeler full of dozens of dead migrants tried to pretend to be a migrant himself when authorities arrived a the scene in San Antonio, Texas, Monday, according to News4SA.
Homero Zamorano, 45, passed through a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) checkpoint in Encinal, Texas, after starting his trip in Laredo, according to News4SA, citing the Mexican Consulate. Mexican authorities showed reporters Wednesday a picture of Zamorano passing through the checkpoint and a picture of him in the hospital bed, saying he tried to appear as a survivor.
Zamorano reportedly was “very high” on methamphetamines when he was arrested, according to the San Antonio Express, citing an anonymous law enforcement officer.
53 individuals are dead and 11 remain in the hospital as of Wednesday afternoon, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A total of 67 migrants were in the back of the truck, according to News4SA.
The truck lacked air conditioning and the individuals they found in it were “hot to the touch,” San Antonio Fire Department Chief Charles Hood said Monday, adding that 16 individuals were taken to the hospital.
Two Mexican nationals were charged with possession of a weapon by an alien illegally in the U.S. in connection with the alleged smuggling event, according to court documents. They also overstayed their tourist visas.
Zamorano has yet to face any charges, according to News4SA. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas didn’t have any information on Zamorano, when asked by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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ICE didn’t respond to TheDCNF’s request for comment.
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Just another tragedy as a result of Biden’s “open border” policy. In another story, not as widely reported, Border Patrol just caught some smugglers with enough Fentanyl to kill a million Americans but a California judge released them on “bail”. I’m sure they will show up on their court date. Had enough America?