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Newest White House Social Media Post Highlights Out-of-Touch Admin

Critiquing the Biden White House is becoming less necessary as they continually demonstrate to the American people that they do not, have never, and will never understand their needs.

In a social media post today, Team Biden showed again that they are focused on the wrong things – all of the wrong things:

Create Jobs

The country is not experiencing a jobs crisis, America is feeling the pressure of a labor crisis. Promising a bazillion new jobs isn’t going to ring true in this economy. The jobs are already there, it’s the workers that are missing.

Power Lines

Really? Do you think Ma and Pa are sitting around the table wondering why the president hasn’t put up more power lines in their area? Are little Jimmy and Susie losing sleep at night because the government isn’t building a high-voltage transmission line near them? The answer is no.

Wind Power

There is no massive constituency pushing for more windmills. Landowners who allowed windmills on their property are stuck with them once the eyesores are abandoned by the companies that built them, no one wants to see one in their area, and they just don’t do what they promised.

Massive wind projects in the United States and other nations have failed, by large margins to meet goals. Many have given up on wind as it is expensive, the blades don’t last long, the blades cannot be recycled, and the transmission distances make the technology untenable.

The ‘So What’ of it All

Do we need some of these things? Sure:

  • I believe that energy from every source should be harnessed where and how it makes sense
  • We need to constantly update the power grid to keep the lights on and protect from foreign intrustion
  • Jobs? Nope, we have a lot of those, we need workers. Here Joe is fixing the wrong problem

The problem with this message is that it is a bunch of “so what?” These are the wins that the Biden administration is claiming? Why? Is this all they have? The answer is yes.

So while they pat themselves on the back for doing stuff almost no one is focused upon, inflation is set to get worse, businesses can’t find workers, our school systems are riddled with CRT-waiving zealots, the economy is in no great shape, and Biden’s foreign policy is emboldening Russia and China.

Maybe the best they could come up with is “We’re going to build some power lines.”

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. What a bunch of communist morons! Does anyone have the plans for building a bunch of guillotines? Asking for an executioner friend

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