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Moderna CEO: You Might Need a 4th Shot

One of the largest vaccine makers admits that quickly falling efficacy may require additional injections in just a few months.

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel told CNBC that the first injections and the new boosters lose effectiveness within just a few weeks which, he says, would require a 4th shot.

“I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said, referring to the efficacy of the booster shots.

The quick drop-off in effectiveness was evidenced in a U.K. Health Security Agency study that found booster doses lose 25% of their efficacy in just two weeks and as much as 45% in as few as 5 weeks. Within 10 weeks, the boosters lost up to 60% of their ability to fight off infection. The study also noted that the original two-dose vaccine was only 10% effective just 20 weeks after the second dose.

Why the vaccines fail so fast is of concern. People receiving the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine series after their first birthday may never need another. When is the last time you needed a Varicella (Chickenpox) or Polio booster?

As Doctors Without Borders pointed out, there is money being made:

“Moderna announced today 2021 third quarter sales of US$5 billion worldwide. The corporation’s sales year to date for 2021 were $11.3 billion, with up to $18 billion forecasted for the whole year from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine alone. This vaccine was developed with significant public funding. For this reason, Moderna has an obligation to assist in global COVID-19 vaccination efforts, to work to prevent dangerous ‘variants of concern’ from taking hold, and to help end this pandemic, said MSF.”

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. But the ginger spokesperson said the vaccines are “free”? How could there be money made? Medical insurance is available for ten dollars a month! This shiteshow needs a flush and China needs be held accountable.

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