As Alfred E. Biden Would Say: What, Me Worry About The Taliban?
At this point most Americans are less worried about the Taliban than they are about the Biden administration. We all have a pretty good idea what the Taliban is capable of doing, but what concerns us is what Weepy Joey and his band of incompetent Oval Office planners and schedulers will do to inflation, race relations and the economy, and what they’ll surrender to the Taliban, perhaps opening up our nation to a new post-Biden era of terrorist Mullahs, given the mass of weapons that Joey left behind in Afghanistan and the unwarranted trust Joey is likely to place in them and their “professionalism“.
Anyone familiar with the movie The Mouse That Roared knows what’s next in line with our relations with Afghanistan. The weak-kneed, addle-brained Joey Biden will try to make everyone believe he is a genius at nation-building in reverse, and to prove his brilliance, he’ll try to cozy up to the Taliban dictators with piles of cash so America can be shown his beautiful plan at having left Americans stranded in that hell-hole nation.
He’ll likely give them a few billion dollars in foreign aid and hope to hell that they will not use the massive stockpile of military hardware he left behind in Afghanistan to terrorize us with another 911-type attack, like when Joey’s attempt to design a military retreat at the end of August blew up in his stupid face.
Our fool president must be discouraged in this attempt to prove that his gifting billions of dollars can bring peace from an Islamic nation that has sworn America‘s death and destruction. Our Joey foolishly trusted the Taliban to guard the Kabul airport and allow Americans to pass the perimeter and board aircraft home, and he was proven to be a fool for this misplaced trust.
And leaving hundreds of American citizens behind in spite of insisting that we would keep a military presence there until all Americans were home again is almost traitorous.
Joey Biden is a small-thinking, unimaginative, weak-minded man with more power than he can handle, and too many ideas that are completely wrong.
Calamity Joe is good at destroying everything he touches. One day after another is filled with dread over what he might do or say next. He needs to resign. Or be impeached somehow.