WATCH: Sen. Graham LAMBASTES Democrats for ‘unethical’ handling of Kavanuagh confirmation
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) delivered on Thursday the most memorable Senate remarks since Clarence Thomas bashed Democrats for their “high-tech lynching” of an “uppity black man.”
Graham slammed Democrats for ruining Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s life with unsubstantiated, uncorroborated accusations because they only want to “destroy [Kavanugh’s] life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020.”
“You’ve said that!”, Graham exclaimed while pointing at Democrats on the committee.
Graham’s emotional and honest detestation of Democrat tactics aligns with Americans who are outraged at the character assassination techniques employed by the left against a man who is praised by women he has worked with, women he went to school with and most notably, the huge number of female clerks he sent to the U.S. Supreme Court – more than any other judge in history.
I don’t always agree with Sen. Graham, but if I could have gotten up and started a stadium ‘wave’ when he represented America the way he did today, I would have – although I tried … but my dogs didn’t quite get what I was after.
The sound bytes that will live on after this travesty of a hearing will be the video I shared above and Brett Kavanaugh’s truly emotional opening statement. Unlike Christine Blasey Ford, his tears were real, his emotion was obvious and he didn’t need lawyers to tell him what to say, or how to say it.
I’ve been a ‘fan’ of Lindsey, but I was cheering the loudest yesterday!