WATCH: MTV Post White-Shaming Video and Everyone Responds
Music Television (MTV) doesn’t show music videos anymore nor is it much about music, but the progressive-oriented and oft-ignored cable channel has decided that telling white people how to act is .
In this video, MTV is clearly white-bashing – otherwise known as racism. In response, we offer Tucker:
Whether it was Tucker or non-MSM information that got MTV to realize how hateful their little pro-Democrat video was, MTV leadership got the message.
After being bombarded by requests for comment from news outlets like CDN and receiving negative comments from viewers, MTV issued a statement in which they retracted the video and apologized for the craptastic display of utterly poor judgment saying that the video did not agree with their standards.
The script got written and approved, the cast of unknown social justice snowflakes was hired, the video got produced and then published – all against MTV “standards.” Sure..
More likely, MTV is struggling with the same truth that all liberals have found difficult to believe – white-bashing identity politics are widely unpopular and incredibly offensive to a large segment of the American population.
The reason I voted for Trump is so I don’t have to listen to the liberal snowflakes whine.