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YUGE ‘Hillary for Prison’ Sign Displayed at World Series Game 5 [Video]
A large sign displaying “Hillary for Prison” was held up behind the pre-game announcers ahead of Sunday night’s game five of the World Series.
Angry Hillary supporters then destroyed the sign in support of the sign-owners freedom of speech … or something.
Now that the FBI has reopened the criminal investigation into the former Secretary of State, the possibility of a trip down the river for Hillary is looking better with each passing day.
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YIPEE !!!! Bravehearts still exist!!!
On a more serious note, civil unrest is more prevalent than I’ve felt or experienced in almost 8 decades. I have an uneasy feeling that if ‘that woman’ becomes Commander in Chief that mutiny of the troops will be the least of her worries. Love triumphs hate and far more Americans love our great Nation than hate it.