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In Deep with Michelle Ray – Conservative Offense

When: Thursday, Janurary 17th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific

Where: In Deep with Michelle Ray on Blog Talk Radio

What: Join Social Media Director of, Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) as she discusses the issues that impact America.

Tonight: I am joined by bestselling author and editor, Ben Shapiro, attorney and Twitter warrior Todd Kincannon, and The Young Cons co-founder, Josh Riddle . This is how the Right learns offense.

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Michelle Ray (twitter: @GaltsGirl)

Michelle Ray is the host of In Deep on CDN Radio, Social Media Director for Conservative Daily News, and can be found on Twitter as @GaltsGirl

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  1. Todd Kincannon is a disgusting racist insensitive pig and we are ashamed that he is from our state, which while may be conservative is NOT a state that agrees with the vile slobber that came out of his mouth. He owes everyone an apology.

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