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The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend, Except When Joey Biden And Hamas Join Sides. Then They’re Both My Enemy

When Joey Biden stabbed Israel in the back and began to pander to the pro-Hamas Muslims and the “Death to America” chanting freaks in Dearborn, he became as much an enemy to me as the Hamas murderers are. And one wonders if the “Death” chanters whom Biden seems to favor, can even vote in the next election.

The idiot of an old man (and I can call him old because he’s only six months older than I am) swung from supporting Israel in their effort to rid the world of the Hamas scum, to pandering to the Muslim crazies for only one reason: to try to gain votes in the election in November. And I suppose there are not many Americans who doubt that Joey Biden cares more about getting re-elected and retaining his power, than he cares about supporting our only ally in the Middle East and supporting the wishes of American citizens.

And the stupid old man immediately lost the votes of decent American Jews and Christians with his treacherous move. Who, exactly, is advising Biden on these matters, and don’t they know that for every vote (if indeed they are allowed to vote) that Biden gains from the pro-Hamas crowd, he’s losing two or three votes from patriotic Americans?

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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One Comment

  1. Hey Dave, You are much cooler than Ole Biddie. What I seriously don’t get is American Jews who support him. Hey, it’s a free country, but seriously? Idnk how that can be justified. I have issues with anyone who wishes “Death to America”. Go Brandon.

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