Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch
President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Schedule Summary:
President Joe Biden will head off to St. Croix in the Virgin Islands until after New Year’s Day to rest up after his long weekend at Camp David.
President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 12/27/23
- 8:00 AM Receive daily briefing
- 9:00 AM Depart the White House en route to St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
- 12:45 PM Arrive in St. Croix
White House Briefing Schedule
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Need to survey Sleepy Joe-Brandon to see how many days since he took off did he; work the day, took off to rest up, took the day to campaign, to do political fund raising, to actually vacation, to take log week ends off. My guess work is the bottom item in the list! FJB