White House Pressed Facebook To Censor Tucker Carlson, Document Reveals
The White House pressed Facebook to censor Fox News host Tucker Carlson for saying “vaccines” “don’t work,” according to a document released by Republican Attorney General Jeff Landry of Louisiana.
“Since we’ve been on the phone – the top post about vaccines today is [T]ucker Carlson saying they don’t work. Yesterday it was Tomi Lehren [sic] saying she won’t take one,” White House Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty reportedly said in an April 14, 2021 email to an unidentified Facebook employee, which was posted on Twitter by Landry.
Landry along with Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued the Biden administration in federal court on May 5, claiming that members of the administration colluded with social media companies to suppress debate on the 2020 presidential election, the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues. The court ordered the Biden administration to turn over communications between officials and the tech companies in July.
“This is exactly why I want to know what ‘Reduction’ actually looks like – if ‘reduction’ means ‘pumping our most vaccine hesitant audience with [T]ucker Carlson saying it doesn’t work’ then… I’m not sure it’s reduction!” Flaherty continued in the document released by Landry.
In response, the unidentified Facebook employee reportedly told Flaherty that they were “running this down now,” according to the document posted by Landry.
Landry’s post did not note how the document was obtained.
Facebook, Carlson and the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.
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Of course they censored Tucker and every other conservative voice and censored or shadow banned even renowned doctors that disagreed with the Covid mandates. The Covid lockdowns were the biggest fraud in world history, caused by a Chinese manufactured virus (with financial support from Fauci) and then an exercise in how to control the masses by Globalists and power hungry politicians around the world. We now know that the vaccine neither prevents anyone from getting the virus nor does it prevent the transmission of the virus and we were lied to about both for two years. The draconian lockdowns caused hundreds of thousands of small businesses to close, caused millions loss of employment and their livelihoods through lockdowns or illegal vaccine mandates and did untold economic damage. Damage to the middle and working class but not to big businesses; that were never closed. And now they want to perpetuate the fraud by unnecessarily vaccinating every schoolchild in America (ignoring that they are at virtually no risk of more than a cold or minor flu) but putting them at risk for myocarditis, heart disease, miscarriages and, as yet, unknown damage to their future fertility. Not to mention the tens of millions of young people already unnecessarily vaccinated or the mental damage and learning loss to young children who weren’t allowed to go to school.
Then the lockdowns allowed the second biggest fraud in U.S. history; the stolen 2020 election. First, because most states illegally changed their voting laws (without the required approval of their state legislators) to allow massive unsecured absentee and mail in voting with unmonitored drop boxes and ballot harvesting. And secondly, because of the success of their government control measures, the Democrats colluded with all the mainstream but especially all the social media to suppress Republican ads and internet searches and then all collectively conspired with the government to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story and throw the 2020 election. And now, this Administration has weaponized all the government agencies, especially the DOJ and the FBI, against the political opposition. Then there’s all the election night shenanigans, but just the two facts listed above prove that it was a fraudulent election.
The leftist ideologues now in control of the Democratic Party have proved that they will show no contrition, will never stop with their lies and vicious attacks and this country is in for a long, hard struggle for its survival against what has become institutionalized Marxism. The only real question is it too late to stop them before we become a dystopian, totalitarian state; just like every other Socialist/Communist state in history.