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President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Friday, November 4, 2022

Schedule Summary:

President Joe Biden will deliver a speech, travel to Chicago, and participate in a reception. While Americans are suffering under historic inflation and the world heads to global war, there is nothing else on his schedule for Friday.

Please check back with CDN often as the White House frequently updates the president’s schedule and live streams come online later in the day.

President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 11/4/22

Live stream links will activate as streams become available


  • 2:45 PM Deliver a speech on the CHIPS act [Live Stream] – San Diego, CA
  • 4:15 PM Depart California en route to Chicago, IL
  • 8:05 PM Arrive in Chicago
  • 8:30 PM Participate in DNC political event

( * ) – added after original schedule was published

White House Briefing Schedule

  • None

Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Think about this: Biden can’t change his depends by himself how is he making these historic goof ups? Its not mistakes his handler is controlling him to the umpth degree. (OBOM-ASS) Hated our country and its citizens when in office, undermined our entire country, when leaving the White House said he wished he could run for a third term but it was illegal! but if he had a way……………. His way was to get brain dead Biden in and then running the country in disguise…. These things that happen everyday to destroy our economy, our infrastructure is no accident but deliberate intent to destroy, Super high gas prices heating oil now like $6.00+ a gallon now- the diesel crisis to cripple our supplies etc. and further raise our already inflated prices in this inflation times. Which is another Democrat recession/Depression. And not one politician is doing anything or our media for thats matter covering things up nice and tidy while still blaming the countries problems all on Trump! Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell all need to be ejected from politics banning them from ever participating again in the country affairs.

  2. NO THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE MESSAGE! Think about this: Biden can’t change his depends by himself how is he making these historic goof ups? Its not mistakes his handler is controlling him to the umpth degree. (OBOM-ASS) Hated our country and its citizens when in office, undermined our entire country, when leaving the White House said he wished he could run for a third term but it was illegal! but if he had a way……………. His way was to get brain dead Biden in and then running the country in disguise…. These things that happen everyday to destroy our economy, our infrastructure is no accident but deliberate intent to destroy, Super high gas prices heating oil now like $6.00+ a gallon now- the diesel crisis to cripple our supplies etc. and further raise our already inflated prices in this inflation times. Which is another Democrat recession/Depression. And not one politician is doing anything or our media for thats matter covering things up nice and tidy while still blaming the countries problems all on Trump! Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell all need to be ejected from politics banning them from ever participating again in the country affairs.

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