Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch
President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Sunday, January 23, 2022
President Joe Biden has no public events on his calendar as he is resting quietly at Camp David after a hard week of screwing up international diplomacy, losing in court (twice), holding the worst presidential press conference in modern history, calling most Americans racists, and generally failing.
President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 1/23/22
Live stream links will activate as streams become available
- No public events
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.
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Biden’s actual schedule:
1PM: Wake up
2PM: Prance around naked in front of
female Secret Service officer (if
one is on duty) on way to shower
3PM: Take shower
4PM: Get marching orders from Obama
4:15PM: Call a lid.