CNN made the right decision but far too late
CNN, the radical left news network that it is, made the decision to indefinitely suspend Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night. The news anchor, known for his radical left, anti-Christian, anti-conservative slant, acted as an adviser to his brother amid the sexual assault scandal. His brother, Andrew Cuomo, resigned as the governor of New York in August.
Not long after the news of the scandal broke, allegations that Chris Cuomo helped his brother cover the scandal emerged. On Monday, as testimony was unveiled, CNN says that it went further than they ever realized. CNN said that Cuomo helping his brother broke their rules and that the details show he went too far.
Chris used his position to contact journalists to determine if there would be more accusers. He tried to obtain information regarding the case and worked with other key contacts in multiple unethical ways. The company wants to sound like they were surprised by the actions.
But did this really come as a surprise to CNN? After all, Chris Cuomo utilized his role to help pander his brother’s fake COVID success into a book deal. He paraded him around prime time, breaking the same supposed rule. Andrew Cuomo covered up the COVID deaths in his state, and Chris Cuomo and CNN helped him do it. How can this be surprising to CNN?
There’s also the fact that CNN refused to cover the sexual assault case for quite some time as details started to emerge. They willingly participated in the coverup of Andrew’s actions, but they were surprised that his brother used his position to help him? To borrow the famous phrase, “come on man!”
While the media pundits will all claim that Chris Cuomo lost all his credibility as a “journalist” for his actions in this circumstance, they seem to forget the storied past of the Cuomo brothers and CNN’s complacency. The news organization could have indefinitely suspended, or terminated, Chris Cuomo a year ago as the details of the nursing home scandal emerged.
Instead, the organization promoted Cuomo, allowing him to promote his $5.1 million book deal on his “success” as a leader. All the while, Chris sat back and enjoyed the situation. His employer was turning the blind eye to what was really happening in New York.
What really happened was the death sentence of thousands of New Yorkers that the governor was personally responsible for. What really happened was multiple women that were sexually harassed and assaulted by a man who believed he did no wrong. After all, the radical left media celebrated him. CNN worshipped him and helped him win an Emmy for his acting performance.
CNN issued the suspension of Chris Cuomo because the organization believed it had no other option. They believed that they had to react based on the media surge from multiple other outlets. But what changed?
What changed in the past year to cause the organization to decide that now was the perfect time? What changed since Cuomo’s resignation in August, where Chris admitted to what he did, and the company overlooked it?
The company has proven that it respected profits over the safety and proper treatment of women. They preferred profit and ratings over protecting lives of the American people. Time and again the company ignored its responsibility to act and address the situation appropriately.
So while CNN made the right move in removing Chris Cuomo, they did it far too late.
Content syndicated from with permission.
It was a case of slime 1, covering for slime 2, covering for slime 3. Slime 1 only kicked slime 2 to the curb because too much came out. You can bet they damn well knew about it.