Weeping Joey Advocates Hating ‘The Unvaccinated’
In his urgent, selfish and rushed objective of putting his Afghan loss of American lives behind him and get the subject changed immediately, Old Weepy Biden gave a talk, perhaps better described as a lecture, to Americans today, (September 9th) in which he specifically said he was understanding and good with everyone hating fellow Americans who have not been vaccinated against the covid disease.
The same lying, piece of crap president who swore he would bring Americans together under his administration, just officially gave his permission for a major percentage of Americans to hate, and possibly to punish, a minority element of the population, based solely on their status with the vaccination. Joey really knows how to unify a nation.
And what exactly is the crime that the non-vaxxers have committed? They’ve risked catching the disease themselves, based on their status of natural immunity, and are a threat to no one else.
And who is likely to suffer if one of the non-vaxxed individuals gets the disease? Only themselves and no one else. So what the hell is Joey so livid about? If adults choose to do risky things like riding a motorcycle without a helmet, swimming in the ocean, traveling in commercial or private aircraft, racing automobiles, cliff climbing or just driving to work, who the hell is the government to take them to task, and especially who the hell is the mental retard, Joey Biden, to be the accuser and punisher of these American citizens?
But Joey allows no excuse, like having already survived the disease and now having the best immunity one can have, as a pass for not taking the vaccine. Joey will tell us when we must, and when we must not, get vaccinated, period. Thanks, Joey.
Joey did not mention the fact that vaccine shots supposedly protect the vaccinated from catching the disease, so he didn’t tell us how an unvaccinated person could possibly infect a vaccinated person. If this is indeed happening, then maybe Joey’s vaccine is not worth taking in the first place, given the problems that a minority of people have had with the after-effects of the drug. Neither did he tell us that vaccinated people are now getting the disease from other vaccinated people, which seems to undermine his entire pitch to get vaccinated.
Science is irrelevant to our mumbling, stumbling president, he just demands that we follow his orders and will allow no deviation from his self-designed rules. And keeping science in mind, one might also wonder how the disease can ever be controlled and gotten rid of given the hundreds of thousands of Central Americans he has invited to cross our southern border, with no idea of who the people are nor what disease they may be bringing to America, but we know that many of them have tested positive for covid, and then were released into our nation with no idea where they went nor whom they may be infecting. And now we can add thousands of Afghanis to the list of the unknown and possibly diseased that Joey is bring to America. Does this fool old man have any common sense at all? His remarks made no sense, they ignored science and they are unconstitutional and just plain wrong-headed.
But the idiot in the White House will do anything to divert public attention from his scandalous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which left at least thirteen American military personnel dead, and unknown hundreds of American citizens hostage and at risk of being killed by the Taliban savages, because the withdrawal plan was not fully thought out and attention to proper detail was beyond the ability of our failing president to attend to. And as a result of Biden running from the blame that he deserves for the Afghanistan disaster, he’s insisting that we all look at his heroic efforts with the covid disease, which are personal decisions that individual American citizens should make, not our fool president and future dictator.
The pressure Joey is placing on the un-vaccinated citizens in America with his charges of them infecting vaccinated Americans and his opinion that hating these fellow citizens is understandable, is more pressure than he is willing to place on the killing machine we call the Taliban. But the thing that really upset the Biden White house about the Taliban is not their killing and torturing and enslaving women to endless rape, but rather that the Taliban government organization “lacks diversity and inclusion“. This woke bunch of fools working for Biden care more about skin color, sexual orientation and self-identity in Afghanistan than they do about constitutional freedom and liberty in America.
And we still have over three years of this childish, foot-stomping and unconstitutional foolishness to look forward to under the leadership of a man who no one would hire to sack groceries in a super market.
Fantastic article. The truth can’t touch Joey. He can’t change his own Depends much less think coherently.
Proven Existential Threat!