Coke, Delta and Major League Baseball Have All Become Propaganda Arms Of The Democrat Party
Fascism is defined as a government allowing companies to be privately owned by citizens, but these privately held companies must behave as the government tells them to behave. So the definition of the Biden administration is a Socialist/Fascist form of government, because our federal government is telling private corporations how to behave and what transactions they must, and must not, engage in.
Examples of this fascism existing today can be seen in the state of Georgia, where the private companies of Coca-Cola, Delta, and Major League Baseball are doing Biden’s radical-left bidding by protesting the latest voting laws that the Georgia legislature has passed. It is beside the point that the Biden administration is lying about what is in the Georgia laws (the Washington Post gave Joey four Pinocchios for his lies) and has proposed that the baseball games scheduled for Atlanta, be moved to Colorado, which has more restrictive voter laws on voting than the protested state of Georgia.
But leftist governments know how to “reason” with private companies, via favors and tax laws that corrupt government can grant or withhold, so the companies in Atlanta have bowed to the political wishes of the Democrat party and have introduced abusive and anti-American behavior. The insistence of Democrats that they be able to win any and all future elections is at the heart of this matter, and Delta, Coke, and MLB should be ashamed of themselves for bending to mob rule from the Democrats.
The lies told by Joey about the Georgia voting law consisted of the law that allegedly prohibited water being given to thirsty voters (it doesn’t); it discriminates against black voters (it doesn’t); it will restrict the hours polling places are open (it doesn’t); it will not allow absentee voting (it does). Everything Joey complained about in the new laws were lies, fed to this fool old man who then repeats the lies to the nation as facts. And Democrats and their pals in the leftist media continue to pass the lies on to the nation and undermine democracy, thereby further destroying faith in the integrity and honesty of the American press in doing so.
If Delta doesn’t like the laws of Georgia, then why is it flying its planes into cities in the United States that have even more restrictive laws than Georgia? If Coca-Cola doesn’t like Georgia’s laws, then why is it still selling Coke in China, which is well known to have slave factories making shoes for Nike.
Corporations are free to conduct their business in America, but they must not use their money and power to influence government policies, which is being done in Georgia in the age of Biden.
We should all fly on airlines other than Delta, drink anything but Coke, and not attend any MLB ballgames.