Women Aren’t Very Happy with President Biden Right Now
American women lashed out as President Biden “erased female people and their sex based rights.” Buyer’s remorse appears to have come quicker than expected.
Feminist author Dr. Jane Clare Jones let Biden have it after he signed an executive order elevating non-scientific gender choice over a persons scientifically-provable sex.
“The President of the United States just erased female people and their sex based rights from US law,” Dr. Jones posted on Twitter. “Possibly without even fully grasping the magnitude of what he has done.”
Sr. Policy Analyst at the Jewish Institute for National Security Erielle Davidson said that Biden’s ill-informed move was a “sad day for Women’s sports.”
“Women must compete against biological males at the risk of injury and loss of title, thanks to a new Biden executive order,” Davidson lamented. “Don’t ever tell me this is ‘pro-woman.'”
“It’s not,” she added.
The Journal of Medical Ethics published a study that shows that even after having testosterone levels suppressed, biologically-male transgender athletes maintained a significant physiological advantage over their naturally female competitors.
This study concluded that transgender athletes born male have an “intolerable,” or overwhelming, advantage over biological women in athletic competition. The paper stated healthy male test subjects “did not lose significant muscle mass (or power)” when their testosterone levels were suppressed below the International Olympic Committee guidelines for transgender athletes of 10nmol/L.
Further, it found these biological males could retain their muscle mass through training and that because of muscle memory, their mass and strength could be “rebuilt” through training. It also found that giving opposite-sex hormones to transgender people post-puberty did not alter the athletic-enhancing effects of testosterone on the male body.
Biden is leading the charge to destroy women’s sports. Males participating in women’s sports have already pushed some female athletes from top spots in competitions costing some access to valuable scholarships and in some cases caused serious bodily injury:
In Connecticut, a serious High School track competitor was knocked out of regional competition and a college opportunity by not one, but TWO, biological male transgender opponents.
One of their competitors, Selina Soule, says the issue is about fairness on the track with wider implications. The Glastonbury High School junior finished eighth in the 55, missing out on qualifying for the New England regionals by two spots.
Soule believes that had Miller and Yearwood not run, she would be on her way to race in Boston in front of more college coaches.
“We all know the outcome of the race before it even starts; it’s demoralizing,”
Not even going deep into what Biden allegedly did to Tara Reade, he isn’t shaping up to be the pro-woman Democrat female voters thought he would be.
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These crones that keep voting/supporting Liberals are unhappy now???
For some reason this makes me deliciously happy. So many suburban housewives in my neighborhood had Biden/Harris signs on their lawns; now I want them to pay for their (to put it politely) “naivety.” With lost battles around me these days, a little Shadenfreude is uplifting.
All you have to do in America is say you are a women, and you are a women….even if you are a man. Our country has lost its freakin mind!!
Today State softball team has broken a world record! The State Cougars have won every game against all their opponents this 2029-30 season and claimed the NCAA softball title! No team has ever won every single game in its season, so this is an amazing feat for the State Cougars.
The State Cougars would like to thank Bidens for his 2021 executive orders allowing every single of its members to finally have a chance to play in a real college sport. All its members were born a male who, due to their sexual preference, were discriminated and was never allowed to participate in the traditional “boy’s” sports like football or rugby. Biden gave them the opportunity to finally shine in real college sports designed for women.
This trend will continue, as other colleges and universities realize they will be at a disadvantage if they do not embrace this new rule. We are seeing a drastic increase of previously-born-male-turned-female in college- and university-women sports all over the United States.
We are also seeing a decrease in the number of naturally-born-women athlete not competing in sports anymore. The ones who do still want to compete are migrating to other countries outside of the United States. We feel bad for them, but you win some and you lose some.
United States is currently petitioning the Olympics committee to allow our newly-formed superior women “the ones who are previously-born-male-turned-female” to compete in Olympics sports as women. We agree with Biden that it is their rights. Naturally-born women just should stay home and continue to make babies.
In an unrelated note, click here to see the alarming statistics on the population trends of United States. In our latest poll, in the united states, women now only comprise of 40% of the total population, down from 51% in our 2020 census poll. The number of women in our colleges dropped drastically. In 2019, 56% of college students were women, now it is only 35%. Total college enrollment is also down in the United States. It is interesting to note that college enrollment in other countries, esp. European countries, have increased. Also, new birth rate has drastically decreased in the United States as well. We have polled many single males who comment that there aren’t too many single females for some reason, so they remain single. We are not sure what caused this drastic decrease in women population and low birth rate, and we need to determine the root cause of this.