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President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Saturday, January 23, 2021

President Joe Biden has no public events on his schedule for Saturday – as far as we know.

This post may be updated, or not. Depending on what we get from the “most transparent administration” EVAH!

Keep up with the president on Our President’s Schedule Page.

President Biden’s Itinerary for 1/23/21 – note: this page will be updated during the day if events warrant

The schedule is comprised of information available from the public schedule released by the White House and several sources of publicly available information. No sensitive information is used to create this itinerary.

All Times EST

  • No public events

White House Briefing Schedule

  • None

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment


    THERE IS NO PRESIDENT BIDEN! There is a usurper, TRAITOR; full of the blood of innocent unborn & BORN children! Who with the aide of a foreign enemy nation – CHINA – along with a host of enemy nations and a cabal we call the “deep state” behind the “deep state” behind the “deep state” who has worked for decades to STEAL our nation AND its Laws, intendeds to destroy us! Did I say destroy us?


    This man is the son of perdition – WHO THINKS he is president – he is NOT president! HE – IS – NOT!! There is NO 46!

    You may say; oh we’re just reporting the news. NO, you are NOT. You are repeating a LIE! Those who tell the lie have a great and terrible cup to drink. And those who repeat it will drink from the same cup!! At the very least they will fade away with an apology!

    You may claim I’m believing a falsehood but that the election wasn’t stolen! But it WAS stolen – as elections have bees stolen during MANY elections! Stolen from this one and in the past. I witnessed EXACTLY the same THEFT – overnight – of one of this State’s senators where the rightful candidate WON but somewhere, somehow a bunch of ballots “appeared” overnight!!!! In 2018!

    God – MY God – our God, in whom we Trust (according to billions of nickels and pennys and dimes) had the goodness to give this same candidate who should occupy that senate seat, a new seat in the current congress! That is God’s grace to him.

    To those who have ears to hear; HEAR! I call NO ONE to follow me! I hear the TRUTH! And He say; “Come, follow Me.”

    THERE IS NO PRESIDENT BIDEN!!! Donald Trump won by a huge landslide no matter WHAT LIES any of you succumb to.

    Donald Trump is STILL the President of the United States – even if I am the only one who believes that. THAT IS THE TRUTH!

    And I will reject and stop listening to ANYONE – including Donald Trump (he won’t) – who says otherwise. Here I stand – ALONE WITH GOD, if need be! And I tell you; it is enough! Do you hear me. I will not tolerate words CONTRARY to the TRUTH!!!

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