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RESULTS: 2020 Presidential Election
As of 12/14/2020, Joe Biden has 306 electoral votes as all 50 states have certified their election results and the electors have cast their votes.
There are legal challenges that may impact some number of votes. This post will be updated if a court decision has enough impact to affect the result.
How CDN Called States:
This results analysis was done at the county/precinct level in each state in order to forecast a winner. To avoid pre-conceptions tilting the forecast:
- No state was called before a statistically-significant number of votes had been counted.
- No state was called purely on its historical voting record
- Due to the closeness of several states, no states were called after 11/4 where the margin of victory is less than the recount minimum (1% in most states, .5% and .1% in others) until a recount was completed or the vote was certified by the state.
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2020 Presidential Election Results (12/14 – 7 PM EST)

News Affecting the Results:
- A forensic audit of Antrim County, Michigan, shows ‘systemic fraud’ in Dominion Voting software – software that was used in more than half of all states including Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia.
- All States have certified results and electors for all 50 states have cast their votes – Joe Biden has won the electoral college vote.
- Georgia and Wisconsin recounts completed with no changes to the result
- Georgia’s Secretary of State announced Friday that his state would hold a recount – confirmed 11/11/20 – Georgia will hold a full hand recount.
- The Trump campaign announced that it will request a recount in Wisconsin once the count is complete.
- North Carolina announced on 11/4 that they would not count any additional votes until 11/12 – *update*, now they will only hold the count for about 117,000 mail-in ballots. *update* NC called on 11/11/20 – Trump wins NC
- Nevada Announced on 11/4 that no counting would take place on 11/5 due to an “administrative day”
- Pennsylvania called 11/11 for Biden – there are not enough votes outstanding in Trump precincts to overcome the deficit
- Trump campaign has filed suits in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania based on sworn affidavits by witnesses to alleged election fraud
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I think you have a typo in the number of vote counts for Biden in Penn.
Yeah….no. After the illegal aliens votes, dead people’s votes, non residents votes and people being paid to vote twice’s votes are ousted and the rest of the Republicans and military are tallied then we will have a closer to accurate number for Nevada
Also, the “adminstrative day” is code for “need more Biden ballots printed up, we will keep America waiting”. Our terrible trio (gov, and sec of state spent sooo many hours on this fiasco, they wouldn’t want to get votes counted legally and in a timely manner at the risk of messing up all their hard work
Think that you need to change—No Carolina called for TRUMP