The Democrats’ far-left policies threaten each and every American
The warning signs have been there for years. Americans were told that the old-school Democrats were a thing of the past and that the party had morphed into an unstable, far left, socialist engine. Initially, these far-left Democrats proposed ideas and policies that threatened to bankrupt the nation and/or ruin the nation financially, such as universal healthcare and/or the Green New Deal. While these policies would undoubtedly cripple the nation’s economy, some of their other (and more recent) policies reflect a broader and more dangerous far-left agenda which, when viewed in its totality, could threaten the health, safety, and well-being of each and every American.
Most recently, and in light of the George Floyd tragedy, some Democrats have issued calls to defund our nation’s police departments, which would lead to lawlessness, higher crime, incivility, and turmoil. For example, as reported by Fox News, the majority of the city council in Minneapolis voted to dismantle the city’s police department as soon as possible. According to the Washington Times, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York called for the New York Police Department to be defunded. Senator Kamala Harris “strongly supported Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s announcement that he is cutting $150 million from his city’s police budget.” Presidential hopeful Joe Biden, in an undoubted effort to “sound” more moderate, stated quite vaguely:
“No, I don’t support defunding the police. I support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honorableness and, in fact, are able to demonstrate that they can protect the community and everybody in the community.”
Those Democrats who do not necessarily support a complete dismantling of our nation’s police departments still seek major reforms. Towards that end, Democrats in Congress recently proposed a police reform bill that was overly broad and which should be rejected by the Senate and/or the President. The consequences of defunding our nation’s police departments are self-evident. Rania Mankarious, CEO of public safety non-profit Crime Stoppers of Houston, told Fox News:
“The ‘dismantle’ argument is short-sighted, naive, and shows a shocking lack of understanding. To dismantle agencies filled with methodical training, operational strategies and tried and true testing – in exchange for community-driven programs that have no experience in these areas – is a ridiculous sentiment at best.”
Along with defunding, eliminating, or significantly restructuring our nation’s police departments, many on the left also have their sights set on restricting, or eliminating, Americans’ Second Amendment rights. This includes presidential candidate Biden. As David Harsanyi stated in a recent article in the National Review:
“Biden supports every single serious national effort to restrict gun rights, all of them part of a concerted effort to incrementally terminate civilian gun ownership in the United States. It’s all right there on his campaign issues page. When CNN asked Biden what he had to say to gun owners who claimed that “a Biden Administration means they’re going to come for my guns,” he answered, “Bingo, you’re right if you have an assault weapon.”
The AR-15 – the semi-automatic rifle Biden wants to confiscate — has never been illegal. The rifle was owned by civilians even before the military iteration, M-16, was ever adopted. Today it is the most popular rifle in America, rarely used in any criminal behavior and clearly meeting every criterion of legality laid out in Heller.”
Biden is not alone in his sentiment, as other Democrats have called for major restrictions to Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
Aside from defunding the police departments and significantly limiting or eliminating the Second Amendment, some Democrats also sat quietly during the recent riots that left various American cities in flames and led to the deaths of many innocent Americans, including officers and/or bystanders. More astonishingly, the presumptive nominee for the Democrats and/or members of his campaign contributed to a fund intended to help release the violent rioters who have been arrested. In other words, not only do some on the left want to eliminate the police and limit Americans’ Second Amendment rights, they are also willing to bail wrongdoers out so long as they serve their agenda.
Along similar lines, Democrats also promote open borders. For example, in a recent article in the National Review, Peter Kirsanow briefly described Biden’s immigration platform, stating:
“He would cease construction of the border wall, cease deportations entirely during his first one hundred days, and thereafter for all but those convicted of a felony while in the U.S. Biden further insists that illegal immigrants arrested for crimes shouldn’t be turned over to ICE and asserts that there should be a path to citizenship for all 11 million (a dubious figure) illegal immigrants currently in the country.”
The fact that Biden and his fellow Democrats promote a nation of open borders should come as no surprise given the excuses they raised in opposing funding for Trump’s border wall and the president’s other tough immigration policies. As reported by The Heritage Foundation in 2019, crimes by illegal immigrants were widespread across the United States. Fortunately, President Trump implemented tougher immigration policies, which Democrats will most likely reverse if given the opportunity.
What do these policies really mean? They mean no (or very few) officers to “serve and protect,” limited Second Amendment rights, free “get-out-of-jail” passes for wrongdoers, and a nation of open-borders. These policies are dangerous and should leave Americans wondering who will protect them.
A far left-wing government? Don’t bet on it.
Mr. Hakim is a writer, commentator and a practicing attorney. His articles have been published in The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, The Epoch Times, The Western Journal, American Thinker and other online publications.