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Should We Spank the Children or Arrest the Child Abusers?

No longer is the crisis of child abuse restricted to the Democrat Party USA, but it’s now a crisis issue spreading around the world. Yes, Child Abuse is what happens when adults turn our backs on children, right?

There should never be any ‘degree’ of acceptable child abuse standards – ok for some, not ok for others! Child abuse has no business being minimized or glorified – especially in Political Arenas.

Child abuse only belongs in criminal courts never in the courts of public opinion. Child abuse is like being pregnant… you either are, or you are not!

We must enforce a zero-tolerance policy for failing to either recognize child abuse, report it to law authorities, or be charged as an accomplice. The days of sweeping child abuse under the rug must end. It’s a crime!

42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g states Child Abuse is defined as an act, or failure to act, on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in the death, serious physical or emotional harm, Sexual Abuse, or exploitation of a child, or which places the child in an imminent risk of serious harm.”

Under English Common Law, children were viewed and treated as property owned by their parents. This legal view was carried to the American colonies and incorporated into early United State laws.

Then real-life controversies began when parents became deceased and/or incapacitated. Child protection laws became blurred and the children started falling through the cracks of our legal system and unfortunately continues. That problem must be stopped.

Children are the future of America, and every other country in the world. That’s why toleration for destroying our children’s lives are too great of a risk and must be addressed with the utmost determination and concern.

Intentionally indoctrinating our children with “PC” culture, terrorism, or political propaganda as gospel has already destroyed the minds of most of our children.

Such evilness is destroying our children’s ability to function as adults or distinguish fact from fiction. Yes, after being abused our children are being tossed on the streets with little ability to fend for themselves in the real world.

The point being is there should never be any acceptable excuses for child abuse. Law enforcement, educators, ministries, and others must be held accountable for violations or charged as accomplices.

Adults must provide appropriate pathways for our Children to be armed with Godly values, ethical standards, and appropriate formal education allowing them to understand and thrive in life, mature, and become responsible citizens.

Teaching any child to hate or intentionally harm another is just as abusive as being physically or sexually abused. When drug dealers take advantage of our children, do we do nothing? Where is our Patriotism? Where is the love of mankind?

Child abuse is almost everywhere we turn, today. Why not start with government schools? Then why not continue down the street to colleges and universities?

Then, let’s not forget those in Congress refusing to close the southern border where child abuse is a daily ritual? Children are being bought and sold like a loaf of bread. Others are being incarcerated into sexual slavery.

Why in the world would any American allow a teenager to come to the United Nations to tell America we must move the Moon out of its orbit, or we are evil? How crazy is this? Isn’t this a prime example of child abuse?

Why didn’t the United Nation authorities take this child to a mental rehab facility to obtain medical assistance? Everything she said was reflective of being mentally deranged – obviously brain-washed by others with evil intent.

Why can’t government officials do their jobs by finding those guilty of abusing this child? Then encircle those promoting her as accomplices in order to establish a zero-tolerance objective for the world to see.

Why not charge the leadership of her own country, Sweden, as accomplices to child abuse? If we allow other countries to celebrate child abuse, how does that help America? Remember doing nothing is a response!

Child abuse is far too serious of a problem to remain silent. Yes, Democrats have grown accustomed to child abuse and think nothing of it. However, that doesn’t mean the rest of us need follow in their decadence, right?

Romans 8:14-20 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons (children) of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage (being enslaved) again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption (members of the Royal Family), whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs (children inherit God the father’s wealth, blessings, and family); heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer (experience difficulties) with him, that we may be also glorified (rewarded) together.

1 Peter 3:14-20 But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (respect): Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.

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Amanda Alverez

God, Family, Career, then everything else; Pro-American, neither Republican or Democrat; Focused upon Truth, Justice, and the American Way of Life

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  1. LIEberals have CORRUPTED EVERYTHING we can no longer discipline our children for fear of being turned in to some agency who will take our children or incarcerate parents for being parents.

    The reason America is in such bad shame is because of LIEberalism. LIEberals IGNORE that which needs addressing while focusing on trivial matters.

    I remember kids being told “when you have children I hope they are twice as bad as you were” –Well there you have it multiply all those “twice as bad’s” and here we have America!!!

  2. A well written article with comments worth pondering. Perhaps I state the obvious, but there seems to be a significant percentage of the population that would use the ideals stated to defend invading the “parental” space already occupied to gain power and control. My guess is that a lot of parents indoctrinate their children in the home. Sometimes this is accidental, but often it is intentional (without applying or even considering the label of “indoctrination”) because the parents totally believe their point of view is factual, truthful, and a basis for living life. I was fortunate that my parents had a reverential respect for education (I often though that their reverence was on account of their not having more than a High School education due to financial pressures) so they firmly passed on to me their values but seldom failed to observe that contrary points of view and beliefs existed. I could (and did) argue many a point on a vast number of subjects over the dinner table. They always respected me, even as they labeled some of my ideas as naieve or stupid; I was never labeled as “stupid”…or “bad”…it was always the ideas or my actions that were criticized. The most dangerous…or perhaps weakest…point though in the article is that there is no constant definition of “abuse”, there is no one to declare a common definition, and if there was, that might even be more dangerous. Our country is the sum of its citizens. As a result, we gravitate toward the lowest common denominator…which, in the end, will likely be the cause of our destruction.

  3. Hi Thomas and thanks for the comment.

    You have some excellent insight and thanks for sharing.


  4. You are always so spot on and everyone appreciates your comments.

    Please have a blessed day,


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