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Leftists Are Leftists, And They All Behave, And Corrupt, The Same

In the Soviet Union the leftists murdered and destroyed on their way to the nirvana of Communism.

In Cuba leftists tortured and imprisoned those peasants who opposed their domination.

In Nazi Germany the National Socialists threatened and murdered in order to stifle opposition to their totalitarian tendencies.

In Venezuela the formerly wealthy population was reduced to poverty by the totalitarian, Socialist government of Hugo Chavez.

In Central America Che Guevara killed peasants who resisted his revolution and who would not join his Communist project of terror.

In the United States, ANTIFA beats and terrorizes any conservatives who won’t agree with their leftist goals and support the radical Democrat party.

In the United States the Obama administration used the IRS as a tool to eliminate conservative opposition to his second term in office. Also in the United States the Obama administration created the Fast and Furious scheme, which killed many innocent people, and at least one federal agent, in order to further Obama’s desire to confiscate American citizens’ self defense weapons.. And, still developing with Attorney General Barr’s investigation into the illegal acts taken against Donald Trump by the Obama administration, is the Obama administration’s use of the FBI and the FISA court in an attempt to keep Donald Trump from being elected president, and then trying to get him removed from office via the Mueller investigation. Such corruption has never been seen in America prior to Obama, but it has been exposed as part of the leftist, Socialist-leaning Obama administration and its firm conviction that no one but Hillary Clinton would be allowed to follow “The One’s” presidency .

All over the world leftists use violence and intimidation in order to get their way and gain control over governmental policies and objectives. The only way Americans can avoid the planned takeover of our government by the far left is to vote the Democrat bums out and keep Republicans in charge of the government and the welfare of the nation.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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  1. This is Fake News put out by the Kremlin. Pay attention Connies, before all your guns are confiscated by the Russians. Careful what you wish for.

  2. Trump Plans to Nominate Known Gun-grabber to Head ATF..
    Donald Trump announced his intent to nominate as the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) a man with a record of supporting restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. Mr. Canterbury currently serves as President of the National Fraternal Order of Police. He’s testified before Congress to support anti-gunners like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Attorney General Eric Holder. Under his watch, the FOP backed Congressional measures to expand the unconstitutional and failing NICS system — which is the same system where 95% of the initial denials are false positives. And on the state level, the FOP under his watch has supported Universal Background Checks and opposed Constitutional Carry.

    1. Canterbury claims that liberty must be sacrificed so that we might save the children, in language that sounds more like something Barack Obama would say rather than Donald Trump: Canterbury calls on Congress to use doctors as informants, to keep guns out of the “wrong hands.” Canterbury writes, “Along with comprehensive background checks, better access to mental health records is critical to keeping guns out of the wrong hands.”

      There is no need to continue the catalog of Canterbury’s opposition to the Second Amendment and to its purpose of protecting — from government — the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

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