The Relativity Of Terms: Republicans Are Now The Radicals Seeking Change
With American citizens belatedly becoming aware of the existence and danger of the Washington Deep State, designed and implemented by the radical and unconstitutional “Fundamental Transformation of America” that Barack Obama was able to impose on American politics, Republicans have now become the new proponents of change trying to restore tradition to our swiftly leftward-drifting nation, and Democrats are the new conservatives trying to preserve the far left, socialistic positions they’ve imposed on the citizens of the United States.
Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again slogan is a prescient phrase that confirms the radical nature of his Republican presidency. No longer are Republicans, in the form of our president and a few other like-minded members of the Republican party, trying to defend the status quo of Washington politics. Republicans are now fighting the inbred, unconstitutional Deep State Democrats in an attempt to once again restore a representative government and abandon the dictatorship of the left and their use of edicts and their unconstitutional rule-by-executive order, which define the Democrat party in the aftermath of the Obama administration.
If Nancy Pelosi believes that a wall on our southern border is immoral, and that’s exactly what she has publicly stated, then she will soon undoubtedly be convinced that having a standing military force to defend our nation against foreign opposition is equally immoral, and at that point our government and our entire way of life will have surrendered to our enemies, and possibly a military occupation, similar to the soft invasion we’re currently seeing along the Mexican border, but with fully armed and trained military forces being utilized to silence our voices and halt the last remaining voices of reason, liberty and prosperity in the world. Nancy’s party is already on the side of getting rid of ICE and America’s border guards, so defaming and getting rid of the military is a logical next step for the radical Democrats.
Democrats have already implanted the notion that elections cannot be depended upon to elect the correct, in other words the Democrat, official (just recall the most recent mid-term ballot recount-after-recount of votes in Florida and Georgia, which was a fraud perpetrated by Democrats on the citizens of those states, because Democrats will no longer permit their candidates to lose elections to Republicans), and have moved in the direction of using the FBI and the Department of Justice to get a non-Democrat removed from office by employing false and misleading evidence of alleged wrong-doing to make the Republican look guilty and get him/her removed from office, just as they are currently doing with the special investigator trying to frame President Trump.
Classical Liberalism is very Individually based and quite opposed to Communism and it’s ultimate end; Tyranny! Sorry, neo-liberals but you ain’t Liberals and boo-hoo Utopia Mongers but your plan for a one world government AIN’T Utopia. THERE ARE NO NATURALLY SUPERIOR HUMAN BEINGS!
Conservative and liberal as terms are relative to time and place; just about like “republican” subject to the individual’s perception of what that means. (What ever happened to principles and a greater authority than ourselves?!)Today “conservatives in America are more like Classical Liberals – just as our Founders were tho generally lesser than those wise men, and – if such a term exists – classical conservatives are more like King George’s Tories!
Today the only consistent definition of Conservative is the resistance to change and the desire to keep things as they are (no matter how communist they may be). Here is how it works to further the leftist progressive agenda; the left makes an outlandish proposal and the conservative says no. So the leftist starts preaching the “across the isle” doctrine they call compromise or consensus until they finally guilt-trip and badger the conservative into giving them something (“reasonable”, as it were).
A short time later the leftists come along with the same initially outrageous proposal and again the conservative resists and defends things as they ARE (including the recent consensus they agreed to). This process repeats over and over in the classical Fabian manner until after a while the conservative is defending the initial outrage as if it was his own prerogative!
We need to be Liberals to the extent that we change BACK to the original small government intent of the Constitution of the United States. We need to Fundamentally Transform the United States of America back to a Federation of Sovereign Nations – all FIFTY of them – equally represented to that small federal government; who’s only true purpose is to protect the Natural Rights of its Citizens and the Federation under a common defense!!!!