Legal expert: Kavanaugh should sue
A lawyer specializing in defamation cases says that Justice Brett Kavanaugh should file libel suits for attacks on his character.
“When NBC made the decision to put Ms. Swetnick on the air, they admitted that they could not corroborate her story,” attorney L. Lin Wood said on Fox News Friday. “That’s recklessness!”
“When you put on the air to make accusations of a heinous crime, you have the responsibility to at least corroborate it before you do,” he added.
Swetnick went on NBC News last week airing allegations of gang rape and use of rape drugs against Mr. Kavanaugh. NBC said that they were unable to corroborate her story, but aired it anyway.
“Any fair-minded person that saw that broadcast of Ms. Swetnick on NBC, would agree that NBC acted recklessly,” Wood said. “That makes it actionable.”
Wood said the he doesn’t expect that Kavanaugh will file lawsuits against NBC or his accusers, but will instead focus on the work of being a Supreme Court Justice.
Those of us on the so-called “right” should have a “class action” suit against them because WE were attacked as well, we were spat upon, threatened with bodily harm because of these lies and irresponsible propaganda.
I, as a citizen, are darn sick and tired of not being able to speak of my belief’s, my opinions, my support of whom I wish to support. I am weary of their lies, I am worried that I could be attacked at any moment, I have got to be careful of what I wear and what bumper stickers I have on my car.
I have lost the relationship with my daughter because of all this nonsense, because the divided, the hate, the rhetoric has risen to such a degree that there is no longer common sense-YES. WE should sue!