Project Veritas Gets Deep State on Camera: Resist everything, F*ck sh!t up!
A new video series by Project Veritas on the Deep State could expose to the masses a level of un-elected government that make decisions for the people. A group in politics that most people don’t think is real. The proves the deep state is real and they are working inside our government to steer America towards what they think is the right path.
Stuart Karaffa, a State Department employee and government union member, admits that he uses taxpayer-funded, government time to create campaign emails and propaganda for the Democratic Socialists of America – a clear violation of the Hatch Act and certainly unethical. But he says that “he’s got nothing to lose” because “it’s impossible to fire federal employees.”
The video also discloses that the ethics process in at least one area of State “rubber stamps” disclosure forms.
The video is the first of a series that James O’Keefe promises will unmask the deep state within the federal government.
I gave NO consent to this fool to play even a miniscule part in governing me!
Government of the people by the people for the people? My ASS!
Take down the unconstitutional fourth branch of government; the Administrative Bureaucracy.
That is at least the broadest tier of the Deep State in this Country. Above that is the Council on Foreign Relations (and other like organizations across the globe) who has for nearly a Century told our government what to do. Above that are the mystery people, what the Book of Revelations calls the 10 kings without kingdoms – the likes of George Soros, the Rockefellers etc. There are those self-appointed “natural superiors” with unfathomable amounts of money and power who believe THEY deserve to OWN the entire planet and they are busy attempting to STEAL all of it!!!
Is it so hard to believe? In this day and age – in this S**t Storm of leftist wrath and desperation? If the deep state was a myth where is all of the energy and MONEY coming from to cause this insane war AGAINST the Republic?!?!