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Kavanaugh’s attorney speaks out on eve of Senate hearing
In an interview with ‘Special Report’ anchor Bret Baier, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s attorney Beth Wilkinson reacts to third accuser’s allegations and Senate Democrats’ call for a new background check.
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The purpose of the Supreme Court is to represent the LAW – the Constitution – to the Federation Government of this REPUBLIC as MANDATEd to that Government by the Constitution (Article IV, Section 4).
The Left has so politicized the Supreme Court that it is now the Battleground of Social Morass – the argument of moral define-meant! The Purpose of the Court was to act as a CHECK as each case arose as it reflects against the Supreme Law of the Land!
The left is TREASONOUS for beguiling the Court and the Right is complacent for going along with the notion. Neither have taken a proper approach to that rightful purpose but have together created this battleground!!
We must reset the Court with Justices who act only in that proper function without regard to political purposes. The Court was never meant to represent the People – ONLY the LAW!!!!
NONE of this was even remotely possible when the Court was acting Constitutional well before Roe v. Wade!!