Trying To Parent Liberals Is A Losing Game
Republicans, like struggling parents, are trying to help child-like Democrats think clearly and reasonably about events in life, but unthinking Democrats insist that Santa Claus will give them the list of goodies they demand: Medicare for all, free college, assured government income, a guaranteed minimum wage, open borders, etcetera. A parent can explain to a child all day long where the defects are located in their ideas of how things should be, but they usually won’t listen.
The Democrat idea of what is moral and proper is way off the mark, too: taking children from parents who are going to prison will not be tolerated by Democrats; attempts to imprison or deport MS-13 members for their crimes is a racist act, per Democrats. The things that have traditionally been done to protect our nation, the same things that President Trump is continuing to practice, are objected to by our liberal mouthpieces, and objecting to these reasonable and proven practices is evidence that today’s Democrats aren’t thinking at all, but are rather responding emotionally to the current administration’s policies and actions, and emotional responses are typical of children with still-undeveloped brains.
And don’t expect Democrats to learn their lessons while we watch Venezuela and it’s Socialist leadership collapse into absolute poverty and chaos. Democrats still insist that Socialism is great and a proper goal for America.
Unfortunately, Democrats have a right to vote and put their politicians into office, but this liberty will only cause future problems for our nation, which Democrats will not even consider on any adult level.