The American Left, Like ISIS, Uses Children As Shields
Obama used this ploy, and Democrats think it’s a good idea to use it again – because it worked so well the last time they tried it. That is, of course, the invasion of my nation with the intent of destroying it. They are doing this because to their hate of Donald Trump and their insane push to regain the power that Barack Obama had, and that Hillary let slip away.
This is the second time in my memory that massive groups of Mexicans and Central Americans have rounded up children and marched into America in an attempt to get themselves established and then remain planted here permanently under the protection of anti-American Democrat politicians.
The left’s hate for Donald Trump and their desire to reverse the 2016 election has enervated them to organize these treks, and they use the children as shields to prevent our military from actually defending the nation from this hostile, illegal invasion. Someone in the American Democrat party should be arrested for placing children at risk of death, rape and injury as the hell-hole of Mexico and the criminal/gang/drug war infestation it represents is walked, and the children are forcibly taken along. We know that American citizens are helping plan these marches because there are always busses awaiting their arrival at our border, there are hotel rooms and private residences lined up to allow them to sleep and remain out of the reach of journalists, and these invaders disappear without a trace, ending up in cities across the nation with no accountability at all. This crap must stop with this President, and these people must be blocked and kept from entering this abused nation
Mexico is a party to this invasion by not opposing their own nation’s invasion from their neighboring countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The marchers are crossing Mexican cities, and even Mexican military installations, with no concern at all from Mexican authorities, because they support this invasion of my nation. In a very real sense, Mexico is providing encouragement and assistance in the invasion and attack on America, and they should be made to pay for this outrage.
Who is the fool that thinks Americans will believe that this scheduled, planned, annual trek the length of Mexico is just poor people trying to escape a tyrant at home? Was there no tyrant in January? No tyrant last November? This is literally the invasion of America by poor people who know America will be kind, and it’s in cahoots with America’s Democrat party, which will do anything, even hurt it’s own American citizens with this kind of abuse, to get some additional peasant, welfare-enabled voters established in their “sanctuary“ cities that will blindly vote Democrat in each election.
In lieu of the wall that Congress will not approve, I want rows of concertina wire strung across our border to keep these invaders out, and I want platoons of Army and National Guard troops formed to reinforce the razor wire. This is a real, although on the surface, a peaceful invasion, and we need to meet it with peaceful and strong resistance. The adults in the invading mass are cowards for using children to prevent any military type of push-back, but this invasion must be opposed none the less, because it is just a softer version of terrorism, and it‘s being directed at each and every person and family in America.
Here, here!
Children are becoming the Left’s go-to weapon on every front. American compassion has ALWAYS been abused – but we’ve accepted that as a Christian Nation. Our kindness has been rewarded with hatred and vilification!!!! Now I’m out of compassion – emp-teeee!!!
Oh, NO! Say it isn’t True, Derrell! It is. It isn’t just the insidious abomination by the left of using the most innocent among us as leverage against our good will toward “men”. It is their utter and despicable (without words capable of describing just how AWFUL they are!!!) use of born children to assault every principle I stand for. It is the indescribable HYPOCRISY of using born children as a shield and buckler and at the same time “LEGALLY” MURDERING unborn children; now over 61 million strong! (I tell you this; 61 million would FILL the Valley of Megiddo with BLOOD to the Horses bridle – and THAT is just the American unborn.)
The 6th Commandment says; “you shall NOT murder the Innocent!”
Where is Justice?!?!?! But I have this one HOPE; The Truth ALWAYS wins! IF the Truth has not won yet; IT AIN’T OVER!!!!!
To the LEFT; JUSTICE SAYS “I want your BLOOD; and I want it – NOW!!!!!!!”