If There Is Chaos In The White House, It’s The Fault Of The Lying Press
There is enough for a new president-elect to do and not enough staff to do it as a new administration takes office. This is especially true when the new president is not a politician and does not know how the Washington establishment functions. One has to appreciate the extra burden the newly-elected Donald Trump faced as he is attacked daily, and at times hourly, by the Trump-hating liberal press.
Not a single day goes by when there are not outright attacks on Trump or members of his staff and family. And it’s not sufficient to say that these attacks just toughen him up and make him stronger. The attacks the leftist press heap on Trump are career-ending and reputation-ending lies and vicious broadsides intended to destroy him personally and completely and to end his presidency.
So in addition to having to establish an administration and begin implementing his policies, Trump has had to daily literally fight with the press and defend himself against the most withering odds we’ve ever seen in American politics.
The simple-minded, bullying attitude of the leftist press is making them appear totally partisan, small and just plain mean while at the same time making it more difficult for President Trump to do the things, and make the necessary changes, that he promised to do while campaigning for president.
Good article Dave and so true.I wrote a similar article how it is the media in chaos not Trump administration.Great Minds think Alike. 😉