Gutfeld gets it right on Climate Change
Greg Gutfeld posted on Facebook that he refuses “to be lectured to about climate science by the same party that claims a fetus is not a human being”. I couldn’t agree more.
Liberals, especially the Democrat party, call a human fetus “a blob of tissue” but want to demand that I accept their false narrative about man-made climate change. How do they plan to explain the coming and going of the big and little ice ages, events that happened before mankind even knew how to use simple fire to keep warm or cook food, much less affect the global climate.
“Climate Change” is a hoax created by globalists who want to rule the entire planet and promoted by get-rich-quick opportunists like that Al Gore. Gore has put hundreds of million dollars in his own pocket pushing the pseudo “science” that liberals use to push their tyrannical agenda. They ridicule and denigrate anyone who refuses to bow to their agenda. The climate changes constantly, giving us 4 seasons in a year. Yes, some winters are colder than others and some summers hotter than others but one volcanic eruption does more to affect world climate than all the man-made effects combined. I saw a list of the top ten pollution spots in the world a few years ago and not one was in the United States so why is it that we are expected to destroy our economy and live in the stone age to prevent global warming or cooling, whichever one happens to be the current popular false alarm of the leftists? Why don’t gore and his ilk ever go after the real polluters, China, Russia, and Mexico? Because they don’t really care about the environment at all, their goal is to destroy the last best bastion of liberty in the world, the good ole USA!!!!!
The climate changes constantly, giving us 4 seasons in a year. Yes, some winters are colder than others and some summers hotter than others but one volcanic eruption does more to affect world climate than all the man-made effects combined. I saw a list of the top ten pollution spots in the world a few years ago and not one was in the United States so why is it that we are expected to destroy our economy and live in the stone age to prevent global warming or cooling, whichever one happens to be the current popular false alarm of the leftists? Why don’t gore and his ilk ever go after the real polluters, China, Russia, and Mexico? Because they don’t really care about the environment at all, their goal is to destroy the last best bastion of liberty in the world, the good ole USA!!!!!
I have more genuine concern for the environment than any of those “activists”. I don’t use any more energy than I need, I don’t litter the roadways, and I reuse anything I can to lessen my use of landfills for trash. We at our house use plastic grocery bags in our smaller trash cans and save many of them to use as insulation in our attic. I can stuff a grocery bag full of other grocery bags to make insulation about 14″ square and 6″ to 8″ thick. I put them between the attic rafters to provide insulation. If the stories about their insulating value are true then we are accomplishing multiple goals: needing less energy to heat and cool our home thereby saving us money, conserving fossil fuel use, and preventing the bags from taking up space in a landfill. If the stories that those bags won’t decompose in 500 years are also true then our insulation concerns are over for that period of time at least. We try to minimize our fuel usage in our automobiles as much as possible, partly to help our finances also. We have a solar system to help provide electricity to the house but it is very small due to available space and the money available to implement it.
Al Gore has several houses that each use more energy per month than ours uses in a year. Gore is also known to travel in some of the most polluting of aircraft, by himself, because he is a hypocrite that makes a fortune pointing fingers at innocent people while actually doing the opposite of what he claims is his goal. Projection is the main tactic of liberals, claiming that conservatives are guilty of the precise actions that the liberals are guilty of, thereby blaming their actions on others to keep the focus off of their own actions.
In truth, Greg got it right. It’s impossible to believe the “science” promoted by the left when they often disregard science when it meets their needs.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
I disagree with the following comment – Gutfeld says – “Why don’t Gore and his ilk ever go after the real polluters, China, Russia, and Mexico? Because they don’t really care about the environment at all, their goal is to destroy the last best bastion of liberty in the world, the good ole USA!!!!!”
I believe it is really about greed. These people like Gore cannot get any money from China, Russia, and Mexico – that’s why they don’t go after them. Greed Greed Greed – As you often hear: Follow the money
Stephen, Gutfeld didn’t say that, I did. You make a valid point and I believe both points are very valid. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.
Gore isn’t the first to turn ‘junk science’ into a fortune. Not sure which is worse, his line of BS or the fact that so many flock to the trough to feed on them without question, even when he lands his carbon printing jet.
Stephen, you’re right about his greed….it comes along with his oversized ego
Bob I missed this from Gutfeld, so thanks…well said