Democrats Use Singing Cowboy as Latest Special Election Gimmick in Montana
The increasingly pathetic Democrats have already lost two special elections that they were counting on winning in order to stick it to Trump and are hoping that the third time will be the charm as the blue jackass party now shifts its resources to Montana.
After being drubbed in Kansas which is hostile territory to liberals and then following it up with their promotion of an emaciated dorky Star Wars geek named Jon Ossoff in Georgia, the Dems are counting on a dude ranch desperado to deliver the Holy Grail of an anti-Trump referendum in a Montana special election next month. A win that will allow them and their media allies to set up the meme that the country is turning on the POTUS despite any evidence that would lend credence to that narrative.
The embittered sore losers are now running an unqualified ten gallon hat wearing country music singer as their contender in the hope that enough voters will lunge for the sucker bait to support an obscure “cowboy poet” named Rob Quist who wouldn’t know a thing about real issues if they slithered up behind him like a rattlesnake and bit him in the ass but he certainly looks the part.
NEW: Democrats hunt for a win in Montana special election
— The Hill (@thehill) April 22, 2017
As reported by The Hill “Dems hunt for a win in Montana special election”:
The special election spotlight shifted west this week after a hard-fought race in Georgia. Now all eyes are on Montana, where a popular local folk musician will square off against a wealthy businessman to fill the state’s lone congressional district.
After unexpectedly strong turnout from Democrats in Kansas and Georgia special elections that nevertheless failed to flip the seats, the pressure is on in Montana as outside money pours in and attack ads flood the airwaves ahead of the May 25 vote for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
Democrats hope to turn their recent momentum into a tangible upset in Big Sky Country, where they’re competing on what’s thought to be safe GOP turf. They’re trying to draw contrasts between musician Rob Quist, who sports a cowboy hat and strums a banjo, and his GOP opponent: Greg Gianforte, a millionaire tech entrepreneur from New Jersey who failed to win the governor’s mansion in 2016.
“I think one of [Quist’s] appeals is that he looks like what we think Montanans are supposed to look like — wearing his cowboy hat 100 percent of the time,” said Robert Saldin, a political science professor at the University of Montana.
To sum it up in a nutshell – Hollywood is coming to Montana.
But Democrats shouldn’t be so quick to believe that their latest charade is going to succeed after the others have failed. A GOP friendly Super PAC has been working to get the word out that Mr. Quist’s ridiculous campaign is being backed by the unhinged Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
GOP super PAC ties Montana's Rob Quist to Nancy Pelosi
— Roll Call (@rollcall) April 21, 2017
According to Roll Call “GOP Super PAC Ties Montana’s Rob Quist to Nancy Pelosi”:
As national attention turns to the special election in Montana, the super PAC backed by House GOP leadership is deploying House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a new TV attack on Democratic nominee Rob Quist.
The ad, which will debut Friday on broadcast and cable, marks the start of an $800,000 media buy from Congressional Leadership Fund. The super PAC ran its first TV ad against Quist last month, using many of the same attacks.
But this new ad adopts the longtime GOP strategy, which CLF has used on TV repeatedly in Georgia in recent weeks, of tying Democratic congressional candidates to Pelosi.
“Rob Quist talks folksy,” the narrator says, opening the spot. “But his record is more Nancy Pelosi than Montana,” the narrator says.
“Whether it’s cuts to the military or doubling down on a health care system more expensive than Obamacare, Rob Quist continues to prove he is more in-tune with Nancy Pelosi than Montana,” CLF executive director Corry Bliss said in a statement.
The ad also goes after Quist’s personal financial troubles, hitting him for a “long pattern of failing to pay his bills” and late taxes.
“Rob’s reckless financial past is a scary indication of how he’d treat Montanans’ hard-earned dollars. CLF will continue to expose Rob for what he is: out-of-touch and untrustworthy,” Bliss said.
Hopefully the people of Montana who overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton will be able to sniff out this scam in short order and send the Pelosi backed varmint scurrying back to the dude ranch to strum his banjo.
The special election will be held next month which will give nutty Nancy and her Hollyweird cronies more than enough time to promote Quist as a macho badass like Clint Eastwood from “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” instead of the failed shoe salesman turned rodeo performer from “Bronco Billy”, a thoroughly fitting analogy in this case.
This humble author personally knows a good number of folks who reside in Montana who are totally immune to the con jobs that Democrats specialize in and this scam is going to backfire big time just like it did in Kansas and Georgia. The political left’s asinine belief that the majority of the country outside of flaming liberal enclaves like New York City and California are easily suckered rubes will once again be their undoing.
It’s now been nearly six months after Hillary self-immolated and the Democrats have yet to accept exactly why the Clinton crime family was rejected by the American people. Instead they are relying on conspiracy theories, hateful demagoguery, identity politics, phony grass roots protests and dishonest tomfoolery that all illustrate just how much contempt that the party big shots have for the intelligence of the average Joe and Jane on Main Street.
The clock is also rapidly ticking towards November 2018 when silly special elections will become the real thing and Republicans will continue to fortify their control of Congress. The Democrats are going to be shellacked six ways from Sunday next year and will top that off with an even more humiliating defeat when Trump gets reelected in 2020.
News Flash – A few days ago at a Greg Gianforte rally with Donald Trump Jr ;
Bozeman – 750 (plus or minus) supporters; 40 protesters (plus or minus)
Hamilton – 600 (plus or minus) supporters; 200 protesters (plus or minus – most of them from Missoula)
(May not sound like a lot but for being the fourth largest State in the Union there are but slightly over 1,000,000 Montanans in the entire world!)
Greg Gianforte – 100% rating with NRA and GOA – and I’ve never seen him wear a hat let alone a 10 gallon.
Rob quest 0% rating despite the hat! (Wants to register guns like you do your car.)
If you put a red dot on every gun owner in MT the entire State turns uniform red! Oh yeah! Anti gun rhetoric – that’ll work in MT!
Gianforte has started 5 businesses from scratch – “Bootstrapping” (what a MT term!), he calls it. Rob Quist??? … he writes songs …?
Greg wants to build MT economy with jobs that KEEP the youth, now forced to leave the State in order to make a living. Rob wants more socialism and Gov. dependency – something he probably knows a lot about!
Gianforte grew up in Pennsylvania and has lived in MT for over 20 years but the biased media and democrat liars can’t make up their mind where he is from (New Jersey, Wisconsin, ???). Doesn’t matter, of course – the deal breaker idea is that he isn’t really Montanan. LOL!
The Democrats and left really don’t get it. They are hardwired to believe Americans are by and large Stupid Voters – all they need is some Expert to tell them how they feel and what they think. Substance, after all, is more of a concept than a reality…
But please don’t tell them; I’m having too much fun watching them destroy themselves!