OK, so now segregation isn’t racist?
I don’t get it. For decades, civil rights activists in America have worked to blur the lines between the races, make the content of one’s character more important than the color of their skin. Now – not so much.
California State University Los Angeles established the segregated housing for black students in time for the current school year, according to The College Fix. The school complied with demands issued nine months ago by the university’s Black Student Union.
Uh… what???
First, I tried to apply logic to try to understand why highly-educated black students would want “equal but separate” housing so I looked into the reasons the Black Student Union gave for demanding a black-only dormitory.
The arrangement comes roughly nine months after the university’s Black Student Union issued a set of demands in response to what its members contend are frequent “racist attacks” on campus, such as “racially insensitive remarks” and “microaggressions” by professors and students.
Nope, that doesn’t cut it at all. Asians, hispanics and white students all deal with insensitive remarks on a daily basis. Should they ask for their own dormitories too?
What’s worse is a mission-statement-like description of the new housing facility:
The newly debuted Halisi Scholars Black Living-Learning Community “focuses on academic excellence and learning experiences that are inclusive and non-discriminatory,” Cal State LA spokesman Robert Lopez told The College Fix via email.
Inclusive of whom? Only black students can be there. Just a hint.. that’s not inclusive and it’s highly discriminatory. To prove the point, I offer to CSLA the following housing demand.
In order to protect white students from claims of white privilege, white shaming, white guilt and other racially insensitive remarks and other microaggressions, the White Student Union is demanding a separate housing facility for white only students.
Oh, imagine the outrage.
First, I would never suggest such a thing. We cannot learn from each other by walling ourselves off. Echo chambers like this segregated housing fiasco breed hate and misunderstandings and CSLA has done an injustice to their students.
There woulg be a lot less crime and violence if only Whites could have their own Dorms, and schools. The IQ curve would go up 30 points overnight.