Hillary Clinton holds [very] small rally in Philadelphia, PA 9-19-16 [full speech]
Hillary Clinton held a rally at Temple University in Philadelphia on Monday in an attempt to win back the millennial voters she’s been struggling to court.
The rally was small, even by Hillary standards, but leave it to the unbiased media to find a way to spin it for her:
Support for Secretary Clinton was strong, with the hall reaching full capacity within an hour of its opening to the public, requiring the fire marshals to declare that no further persons would be allowed in the hall.
100-200 people stuffed themselves in there in an hour .. that’s just amazing.
The optics are clearly important to Clinton. See the little “fan nook” behind her with loyal supports on bleachers? Watch the video and see how different in size that little section of the room makes the entire rally appear.
Relatively small crowd for Hillary Clinton's millennial speech at Temple, starting soon pic.twitter.com/L6chUgMyxU
— Stefan Becket (@becket) September 19, 2016
Full Event – Hillary Clinton – Philadelphia, PA – Temple University 9-19-16
Oh, and Hillary’s media team may want to skip the fisheye lens for future events. If you want to show-off Hillary’s crowds, panoramic shots work nicely on the interwebs. Then again, maybe just stick to the fisheye thing for her – can’t really tell what’s going on in that little bowl .. can you?
We're at Temple University today—stay tuned for @HillaryClinton and watch live at https://t.co/fkuSfSQWol! pic.twitter.com/bvQHT1BvEr
— Hillary for PA (@HillaryforPA) September 19, 2016
That’s what they did with the Chelsea Clinton appearance at University of Toledo. “Standing room only” they said, “the room was packed.” That would be the Maple Room, which has a maximum capacity of 200.