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Lethal Bird Flu Continues Spread Through U.S. Commercial Chicken Flocks

poutry-farmThe H5N2 “Bird Flu” has now infected its first commercial chicken flock in Wisconsin – the 11th U.S. state to be hit by the lethal disease.

H5N2 can kill an entire flock as quickly as 48 hours. No chickens or eggs from the infected facility will enter the food stream.

As H5N2 spreads to more farms across America, foreign nations are restricting imports of U.S. eggs and poultry.


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. As I understand it, the majority of the chicken that reaches our markets are first sent to China for processing and returned to the USA for sale…..and ‘if’ I recall correctly, the last outbreak began in China…Considering the loss of income to China I rather doubt they would boycott ‘American’ Chickens……also recalled, is that the largest number of human infections were in our Southern ‘Border’ States, whose large Hispanic population frequently cross the border and return. Curiously, Mexico reported on a scant number of cases when compared to the United States.

    The three possible alternatives would be, ban sale of chicken. eat more beef or raise your own (requires little space & effort)

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