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Now! Now It’s Job One?

Obama first took office in January of 2009, now, January of 2014 the Democrats are saying, to quote New York Senator Chuck Schumer, “The debt and Obama-Care are important, but our number one focus should be on the economy and jobs,” where were the Democrats six years ago?

In 2009 we were at the height of the recession, where was the concentration on jobs then? The Democrats instead pushed a stimulus package that did nothing and forced Obama-Care down our throats, that is in the process of not only hurting the economy but also killing job creation. This same Senator Schumer also said “Many of our Republican colleagues say: ‘Oh, unemployment benefits keep people from work.’ That is insulting,” I think Senator Schumer is smoking that funny stuff that Liberals like to smoke. Not only him, but Obama also said, “Voting for unemployment insurance helps people and creates jobs. And voting against it does not,”

Let me explain something to our Liberal pals, even though it will never sink in, paying people not to work, will keep them not working, if we keep extending unemployment until it becomes another entitlement, it will only keep unemployment high. The December jobs report came out, 75,000 jobs created in that month, 75,000 jobs, it has been three and a half years since the economy created that few amount of jobs. Where are the four million jobs that were supposed to be created “almost immediately” with the passage of Obama-Care, at least that is what Nancy Pelosi promised, another Democrat promise that went nowhere.

The Democrats wouldn’t know a jobs plan if it bit them on the ass, their full concentration seems to be on keeping people out of work by paying them to do so. Now Obama has another bright idea that will go nowhere, ‘promise zones’ when you sit down and examine them, they are nothing more than welfare on steroids. This President does not seem to get it, LBJ tried it in the mid 1960’s with his war on poverty, that only grew generations of Government dependency. I have to hand it to the Liberals, they keep trying over and over, what are nothing more than failed policies, just putting a different name to them, they are persistent I must say.

Ronald Reagan said it best when he said “I believe the best social program is a job.” Why don’t Liberals understand this philosophy, why don’t they see that people would rather have a job than an unemployment check, is it so hard to understand? Liberals seem to be good at creating more and more entitlements, but why don’t they learn how to create what people want, which is a job.

FDR kept this country in a depression for ten years with his big Government spending, you would think that Obama would learn from that, all he is doing is following in FDR’s footsteps, thank God Obama can’t be elected to another term or we would see another four years unemployment checks instead of jobs. I have to hand it to Obama, he is good at giving people hope, but sooner or later people are going to realize you can’t live for long on hope. Going into the sixth year of the Obama Presidency and the Democrats are now starting to concentrate on jobs, but they are not fooling me. The only reason they are shouting income equality, and jobs is to get the heat off the failure of Obama-Care.

I am far from an economist, but even I know Government spending does not create jobs, the private sector does that. Oh, the Government can start a job for a month or two, but when the money runs out, so does the job. These Liberals need to understand, if you get the Government out of the way, the private sector will take care of the rest, but why am I wasting my breath.

“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids.” Available here.


This is one man’s opinion.

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One Comment

  1. Absolutely, Chris! Much like when Eve gave the apple to Adam, FDR gave us that gateway fruit of ‘government dependency’. Our cravings for more resembled that of a drug addict…and wiling to do most anything for a ‘fix’ without any regard to cost. Getting ‘clean’ is or should be a priority of all Americans….It takes FOCUS and WORK….It means that even as important as issues like abortion & same sex marriages are, without a strong economy there is no funding for any social programs.
    EVERYONE needs to grasp that it isn’t just about the wants & wishes of a single individual or group. It is about SAVING AMERICA from becoming a 3rd world nation…Focus needs to be on what is ‘good for the majority’. This means at the ballot box as well as at home. There is no requirement that says you much ‘like’ the candidate (after all you probably won’t sleep with them) And you don’t have to follow the sheep with the loudest bell because you have one too.
    Individual family units often have to chose ‘what is best overall for them’ and that means sometimes you don’t get ‘quite’ what you want or think is right. It’s the same principal in elections. Your turn will come!.. Instant gratification doesn’t always mean lasting satisfaction.
    If you believe in positive thinking as a key to reaching a goal, it just might be more productive to focus on what CAN be done & what is RIGHT rather than the wrongs & can’t.

    Chris, not sure if I ‘like’ you because we seen to agree or because you’re a ‘nice guy’…gut gald you’re here

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