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Obama’s Speech-Putin’s Ruse


I’m starting this blog with some comments that appeared on the GOPUSA site I agree with about Obama’s speech followed by my commentary as usual. In the first comment Lurch is the nickname for Kerry :D

Comment by jenersea
September 11, 2013 @ 1:48 pm

Leave it to Lurch to suck up to the Communists led by Putin again. I think all of this was and is that he could get close to his heros again and take orders from them. Only Lurch and his stupes in the State Department would believe that the weapons will be confiscated and destroyed. All the time they will be sitting there on the Russian Naval Base awaiting the next use of them by Assad. Lurch, dig out the old files and see that you always have to verify everything that the Russkies sign onto. Complete incompetents. Mean while the illegal invasion continues on our Southern Borders non-stop.

Comment by eagle525
September 11, 2013 @ 2:19 pm

Obama is way out of his league on international politics … Putin ( Russia’s Prime minister) will eat Obama alive every time. That is what happens when a totally inept community organizer, with zero governance experience is elected to the nations highest office. Obama’s election to office is indicator of the American voters ignorance of current events and politics.

September 11, 2013 @ 2:44 pm

If we accept this deal, we have surrendered our status as the super power of the world.

You can NEVER take use of force off the table.

But paint me as one of those tin foil hat wearers, who believes this is exactly what Obama wants. He despises this country for the prosperity we have achieved over the past two hundred years and now he has the power, along with willing traitors in our congress and the statist media, to put us in the kind of harm’s way, we will never recover from.

Comment by eagle525
September 11, 2013 @ 3:49 pm

Well I will go along with your commentary and do believe O is intentionally sinking this country,
However, my opinion is that he is destroying us from within … socially, economically and morally. He is succeeding where Obama Bin Laden failed

 The above comments were on the  GOPUSA site and I agree with them totally. I thought Obama’s speech was weak and self centered as usual as he is saying he’s the one who ends wars and is taking credit for his threat for using force for ending this stalemate. Meanwhile new surveys show that 2/3 of the American people trust Putin more than they do Obama. If Obama is really concerned about “the children” over there we should have sent in a strike three years ago when the rebels were more pro-American  instead of now  when they are mostly Al-Suriyah, Al-Nusra and Al Qaeda  which are the most aggressive groups

Meanwhile Putin is playing Obama like a fiddle and the Assad agreement was just a clever  ruse on Putin’s part. While Obama is taking credit for Putin’s suggestion of having Assad hand over his weapons to U.N. inspectors he (Putin) is supplying Iran with S-3000 surface to air missiles and shield over their nuke plants in case we want  to  strike  them. Striking Iran’s nuke plants is what we should have done long ago  to show we are powerful and mean business, but wimpy Obama didn’t do that so now they are a year away from developing a nuke and carrying out their plan to destroy Isreal  and destroy us too in the process with Russia  shielding them with a missile shield.

Russia in 2007 signed a contract to deliver five of the advanced ground-to-air weapons — which can take out aircraft or guided missiles — to Iran at a cost of $800 million.

In 2010, then-president Dmitry Medvedev cancelled the contract after coming under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of the weapons system, drawing vehement protests from Tehran.

The source told Kommersant that Russia’s offer would depend on Iran’s withdrawing a $4 billion lawsuit that it has lodged at an international court in Geneva against Russia’s arms export agency.

While all this is going on the white house released a statement saying they would continue to pursue those responsible for the deaths of four U.S. citizens in Benghazi. What a total misconception. What a total bunch of B.S. The American people will not fall for that. It’s been a year and they know who the culprits are and the media even interviewed them at one point. Obviously he (Obama) studied at the OJ Simpson school of finding the perpetrators.

Last night on Sean Hannity’s show   the father of Ty Woods appeared with Col. Olver North and read a letter he sent to Obama demanding answers to the deaths and who gave the order to stand down.

In the United States, the families of those killed a year ago at the consulate say the Obama administration has yet to tell them what really happened, and why it is that none of the killers has been captured or killed.

“It’s hard. I never expected this from my government,” Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, told Fox News. “All they have to do is tell me the truth.”  Sean Smith was a consulate information officer  who  was  among the four people killed in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists.

The White House on Wednesday pledged it would continue to pursue those responsible for the deaths of four U.S. citizens a year ago in Benghazi, Libya.

“The events of last year, losing four brave Americans – Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods – brought home the reality of the challenges we face in the world,” press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement marking the first anniversary of the Benghazi attack and the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

As one commenter astutely said:

“First thing he (Obama)  should do is admit to lying to the American people. Secondly, explain why security was denied when requested. Thirdly, who gave the order to stand down and refuse to go to the aid of the Americans. This is just another shell game this administration plays in order to cover for their incompetence. The same people who now want to bomb innocent civilians are doing so to cover for all the scandals confronting them, Benghazi, IRS , AP and NSA. The say they will do something about Benghazi which seems unlikely, but when are they going to do something about the others?”

We have had some blatant scandal level cover ups within the Obama administration and every one of them have fizzled out as Obama, Eric Holder, liberal Congressional leaders, and the liberal media continue to ignore efforts to find out what happened and who was responsible for the decisions involved. And for who is Holder, who is supposed to be our chief law enforcer, but is really our chief law breaker, doing this? Well our current President of course…as Holder is the “enforcer” for the Obama led Chicago style takeover of our federal government.


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PAPER: US can’t prove Assad ordered chemical attack…

» Russia to send Iran missile systems » News — GOPUSA

» Another year, another Benghazi pledge from Obama » News — GOPUSA

» A year after Benghazi families still wait for answers » News — GOPUSA

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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  1. No comments on this?

    If we, the American people, really want answers and want justice, we must overwhelm Congress with those demands. There is a lesson in what happened in the last few weeks that is very simple to understand. Nearly 90% of us said NO to the Syrian Strike and we said it to our Representatives in Congress. Only a small percent of voters write their Congress to express their opinions and concerns – that is typical of the last 230 plus years. Rarely do we, in such a loud voice, put our foot down. Our system is NOT broken – anymore than a car rolling down the road with no one’s hands on the wheel – we just do not guide the system. It is Government for the people, BY the people. If we want answers, if we want justice, if we want this fraud removed from office, we must make it so “hot” for Congress that they cannot avoid acting! This last week Obama backed down, NOT because Missy doesn’t like war but because the American PEOPLE do not support his “Red Line”. Keep this in mind – Even Hitler feared the people!

    MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD to those who can Actually affect these issues! Write them a letter, put a stamp on it, and put it in the mail! Sacrifice a little time for your freedom and set aside your defeatist mentality that we cannot do anything about this crap!!!

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