Prominent Catholics, Christians Spoke on Democratic Affronts to Religious Liberty
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 3, 2012 — Prominent Catholic and Evangelical Christians gathered on a press teleconference following the presidential debate. Talking about the issues were Deal Hudson, President of the PA Catholics’ Network (PCN), Ted Meehan, Executive Director of the PCN and Sam Rohrer, President of the PA Pastors’ Network as they joined with Pastor Gary Dull of Faith Baptist Church in Altoona, PA and Jo Ann Nardelli, a former Democrat who switched this year to the GOP.
“Federal government continues to usurp power from individuals, families, and the church and replaces their responsibilities with government entitlements, handouts and regulations,” said Sam Rohrer, President of the Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network. “As we heard Governor Romney say, spending is a moral issue that we must handle effectively for the sake of our children and grandchildren. While the President wants to expand government to meet the needs of the American people — increasing costs and spending even more money — Romney wants to lower spending so that it is more in line with revenues, which he wants to increase through economic growth, while focusing on the private market, individual choice, and personal responsibility, which is more compatible with Biblical teachings.”
Also discussed on the call were the stark differences between the candidates on the role of government in public life.
“As Catholics, we agree with Governor Romney and affirm the dignity and worth of each person,” said Ted Meehan, Executive Director of the PA Catholics’ Network. “Such recognition leads to both democracy and free enterprise. These are the blessings which have brought greatness to America. America’s greatness comes from the virtue and vigor of its people, not from dependence upon its Government.”
Jo Ann Nardelli also gave a powerful account of how, as a long-time member of the Democratic Party who held several prominent offices in Democratic organizations, she recognizes that “the party had left her” and no longer represented her values or beliefs. As a result, she is now a registered Republican.
“I was conflicted over the far-left leanings of the party for the last few years, but when it came to the administration’s stance on same-sex marriage, I knew this party no longer reflected my beliefs and values,” said Nardelli.