Political Suicide: Democrats Outshine Republicans Again
You know, I thought the rules change vote debacle at the Republican Party convention in Tampa, Florida could not be topped for arrogance by the establishment elitists but I was wrong. The Democrats managed to top that raw example of tyranny and “in your face” arrogance toward We the People at their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina last week. The Democrat establishment managed to actually outdo Joe Biden when it comes to “acting stupidly”. Can you believe someone actually “out-dumbed” Joe Bite Me???
I am referring to the vote on a plank restoring “God-given rights” and acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to the party platform. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, chairman of the platform committee, offered an amendment to have the items restored. It seems the majority of the Democrat delegates were opposed to the reference to God and Jerusalem. I find myself in a bit of a pickle here. I oppose the rule change made by the Republican Party and support the platform change made by the Democrat Party. What I commonly oppose in these two seemingly uncommon events is the blatantly dictatorial way in which these things were accomplished by the ruling elitists of both political parties.
Both John Boehner in the rules change situation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKaXqoC4DjE) and Antonio Villaraigosa in the platform issue made decisions based on teleprompter scripts already there for them to read before either vote was taken (https://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/democrats-reinstate-god-jerusalem-israel-capital-party-platform-223437220–election.html ). At least we can give Villaraigosa credit for trying three times to get it to go the way it was scripted but on the third try just denied what was obvious to anyone but a corpse. I guess Boehner is much more experienced at shafting We the People than Villaraigosa. After all, he has had years of experience doing so in the House of Representatives.
The main problem here is the method that the two parties have in common. When a decision they want goes against the establishment they simply ignore the rules, and We the People, and do as they wish. In Boehner’s case he ignored the wishes of the grassroots conservatives who are the very people they need to get elected. He didn’t shaft the “moderate/liberal” base of the party; he shafted the conservatives who were instrumental in the 2010 election wins, and voters they desperately need in November.
The Democrats on the other hand shafted their base voters. The voice vote farce that restored God and Jerusalem to the platform alienated the radical base of the party while showing any “moderate” Democrat where the party really stands on the issues. It is very apparent by the chain of events that the Democrat Party really doesn’t want God and Jerusalem in their platform but to omit them leaves the party vulnerable to any reasonable American with the brains to see their position. This situation is probably the most blatant bit of pandering I have ever seen by a political party.
The sounds from the arena in Charlotte were disturbing in that they showed how much the Democrat Party insiders hate God and Israel. It was very apparent to everyone who has heard the audio and watched the video that the delegates were furious. It is sad that a political party even has a controversy over God and Israel. I started to say an “American” political party but then realized that the people representing the Democrat Party aren’t really American at all.
The United States of America was established based on Judeo Christian values, by men who were, for the most part, Christians and took time out to pray as they wrote the Constitution, took time out to pray and attend church services in the House of Representatives chamber, and valued the “protection of Divine Providence”. They had no intention of creating a theocracy but instead created a Constitutional Republic based on biblical precepts. For a political party, that claims to represent American citizens, to stoop to the level they have is abhorrent to everything our nation and our culture represents.
The United States has been driven to its knees physically, financially, and morally by liberalism. We the People have accepted many immoral and unethical practices because we lost sight of our responsibilities under the very Constitution we hold so dear. Christians have also been bamboozled by the “tolerance” song and dance that is nothing more than raw intimidation by evil people. Liberals quoting “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone” is nothing more than an intimidation tactic from those who don’t believe in God and throw stones every second of every day. Some, as demonstrated in Charlotte this week, have totally abandoned the law of our land and given themselves over to a Satanic possession that is destroying them and everything around them. Others have sat on the sidelines and expected those we elected to public office to do what they promised to do without the supervision and demands that they adhere to the Constitution and the moral compass provided by the Holy Bible.
Last week the Democrat Party showed it has surpassed any perversion of the Constitution and American values that could be imagined by the Republican Party establishment, as bad as they are. The behavior in that arena was beyond reprehensible to me.
Ronald Reagan once said that “when we are no longer a nation under God we will be a nation gone under”. We are almost there. The Democrat Party showed they have no interest in being “under God”. The same Democrat Party that insists on accepting abortion, even after birth (partial birth abortion), stands against the death penalty for those who commit murder during a robbery, home invasion, or drive-by shooting. Killing an innocent defenseless child is acceptable but executing a murderer is not. How does that become acceptable to anyone with a soul, or a heart?
It is time for We the People to become even more adamant in our expression of our values and beliefs than we have in the last three years. Since the TEA Party came into being many people have stood up and began demanding that elected officials listen to their bosses, We the People. So far we haven’t had much luck as the establishment of both political parties ignore us and show the disdain with which they regard the citizens of this great nation.
We must take control of our government. Voting is the first step but only the first step. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and depend on members of Congress and the executive branch to do what is right without the daily input from We the People. As a whole they have shown themselves to be selfish, unreliable, liars who rule over us as they see fit. King George III isn’t sitting on a throne in Washington D.C., despite what politicians seem to believe.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
September 11, 2012
If Bob Russell was a professional writer, this article would’ve been career suicide. He mixes a complaint for one party disobeying the rules, while attacking the other party for following the rules even if it offends their base then calls that pandering. No, Bob, take your blinders off and understand that if they were pandering then they would’ve pandered to their base. Finally, has anyone bothered to teach Bob that it is the Democratic Party and not the Democrat Party? Oh he’s one of those wannabe hacks that instead of professionally conveying a point comes with his hostility and vile built in instead of reason.
The writer here needs to write in a less confused and more structured manner and his goal should be to build to a point, not surround an attack with lots of wordage. I agree with the other poster that the name calling should be left to children. As soon as I see an adult do that, then they lose every ounce of credibility in my book. So, please, CDN, let’s start seeing a bit more selectivity in who you allow to write around here.
“Let him who is without sin throw the first stone”
English. Learn it.