Abortion Is the Ultimate Child Abuse
Outrage is expected from both liberals and conservatives on the issue of child abuse, but what about the ultimate child abuse of abortion? Liberals are usually strangely silent. As horrible as neglect, molestation, beatings, and desertion may be, murder of the helpless and innocent through abortion is worse. Though abandoned and abused children suffer, at least they still have life and, hopefully can be taken by someone who will really love them. No such chance for the murdered unborn innocents.
Selfishness is the main motivation for abortion. Under the guise of “concern” for the unborn, the mother may use excuses such as, “Inability to support a child” or “I can’t give it the quality time needed” or any number of other inexcusable excuses. The paramount excuse for abortion is the one disguised in the cloak of the so-called freedom of a woman’s “right” to do with her body as she chooses. But a living, breathing human baby is not a part of the mother’s body; it is distinct from the moment of conception. The mother’s body gives life, support and nourishment to the separate, living human baby inside. If the embryo (another word for a DEVELOPING, MATURING baby) was only a blob, or mass of protein, then it could possibly be considered a part of her body, but common sense says otherwise. The dictionary definition of embryo is “The first rudiments of an animal (or human) in the womb or of a plant in the seed; the first state (underlining mine) of anything.” Webster’s Expanded Dictionary, 1992.
Being a parent means more than just bringing life into the world. It means giving up time, sleep, money, and possibly a career, just to mention a few basics. And parents only bring life into this world. They do not give it. God is the giver of life, not the father or mother. God uses the father and mother to begin a new life in the womb. In a sense, every new life is an extension of God, for all life comes from God. Try as he may, through cloning or the test tube, man will never create life. If life is an extension of God, who made man in His image, then all murder is an attack on the creator of life. The state may sanction, even fund murder, but God will hold murderers accountable. Pro-choice (which is really pro-death as opposed to pro-life) is nothing more than allowing people the choice to legally kill. Murder is murder, regardless of the reason.
Children are a blessing from God. We should thank God for the little blessings He has given and treat them with love, respect and a reverent awe, for each one is a little unique image of God, testifying to the greatness of the Creator, reminding us that only God can give life.
Joseph Harris, houdini59@att.net has been a college professor and pastor since 1987 and his writings have appeared on stupidpoliticians.com, WND, Sword of the Lord, Intellectual Conservative, Conservative Daily News, Canada Free Press, Land of the Free, The Post Chronicle and News America Daily.