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John Dummett or Mitt Romney: Freedom or Appeasement

My opposition to Mitt Romney has drawn a great deal of criticism from a variety of people.  It seems my vote is the only one in the nation that actually counts.  While that is flattering in one respect I find it rather disingenuous in another respect.  Why is it that my refusal to vote for the lesser of two evils is the only factor in the destruction of our once great nation?  I find more than enough reasons to refuse to vote for Mitty the Poo, the all-white Obama, based on my Christian faith and Mitty’s propensity to deny his faith in almost everything he stands for politically.

I have a great faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to carry me through whatever evil comes my way.  To me, voting isn’t a question of voting for the one who is less dangerous than the other.  My vote is based on what I believe God would have me do, on the standards set by Him and recorded in the Holy Bible.  I will vote based on who I believe to be in compliance with God’s Word and the Constitution of the United States of America, a document written by men who took much of the content from biblical principles and guidelines.

Mitty the Poo, the all-white Obama claims to be a Christian man, a Mormon.  I don’t care which church he is affiliated with, that is not my concern.  My concerns about Mitty go so much deeper.  How can a man who proclaims to be a Christian support abortion on demand?  God’s Word says that he “knew us before we were even in the womb”.  Does that not accentuate the idea of life at conception to a Christian?  I understand that there are cases that can be made for abortion in instances of rape, but that is not where Mitty stands on the issue.  How can a “conservative Christian” support the joke of the “gay rights” issue?  I don’t agree that homosexuals should be hung from the nearest tree but I don’t believe they should be given special rights not afforded to the rest of us either, and neither does God’s Word.  How can a man who claims to believe in the Constitution not believe in the rights of We the People to keep and bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment?  How can a conservative candidate support Obamacare, a travesty that Mitty actually authored and has supported for several years?

God’s Word tells us to stand strong on biblical principles and to live our lives by His core values.  People who will vote for Mitty out of fear of Obama are neither putting their faith in God, nor their trust in His “divine providence”. 

Voting out of fear brought Adolph Hitler to power in Germany.  People feared another stint with the Weimar Republic and voted in a guy who promised to “fundamentally transform” Germany.  We are facing the same situation today.  People fear what Obama will do in a second term, rightfully so, but are not looking at the other choice realistically.  The mantra is “anyone but Obama, as long as it is Mitty”, and discounting any other option.

I will not vote for Mitty the Poo, the all-white Obama in November.  I WILL NOT COMPLY with the party-line “vote for our guy because he isn’t quite as dangerous as the other guy” mentality.  You see, I find Mitty to be just as dangerous as Obama in many respects.  In addition to the items listed earlier, Mitty also has been bought and paid for by George Soros and the New World Order cabal.  In case you haven’t heard, Soros has publicly endorsed Mitty as the best candidate for the Republican Party.  That is enough on its own merit to stop me from voting for him, but isn’t the only reason I stand on.  I hear people make a big deal out of the Olympics and how Mitty “saved” the event.  What people are surprised to learn when I mention it is that Mitty “saved” the Olympics with $450 million federal tax dollars given to him by George W. Bush.  This same money was denied to Mitty’s predecessor.  I find that rather curious.  If the money was insignificant to the treasury but vital to the Olympics, why wasn’t the money given to the first guy, and who did this money actually go to?  And when you go look at how he balanced the state budget without tax increases you will find a substantial “federal tax donation” to the state treasury.

I will cast my vote for a man who I believe will actually stand up to the New World Order globalists and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and We the People, against all enemies foreign and domestic. I want a President I can believe will do what is right, not just “hope” he will do what is right.

Voting for the lesser of two evils and hoping for a better candidate next time is not the answer.  I heard that, and bought into it, many years ago.  I voted for Bob Dole, one of the worst candidates that has ever run for the office of President of the United States, but he was “better than the alternative and we could get a better candidate the next time around”.  It worked once because we wound up with Ronald Reagan but hasn’t worked out so well since then.  I bought it again four years ago when I voted for the McCain/Palin Republican Party ticket.  I actually voted for Sarah Palin, hoping they would win and McCain would die of a heart attack the next day and leave Palin as the President.  I think that much of John McCain, and I remember how Mitty ran second to McCain in 2008.  Four years ago Mitty was less conservative than John McCain but now he is miraculously the most conservative candidate available?  Naw, I’m not buying the same 3 legged horse again.

My vote will be cast for John Albert Dummett (, as a write-in candidate if necessary.  Wasting my vote?  Voting for Obama?  Insuring Obama gets a second term?  NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!  I am exercising the discernment given to me by God and casting my vote for the man who will follow God’s Word and the Constitution rather than voting out of fear of another Obama term.  I will vote for a man who will put what is best for the nation ahead of what is best for his cronies and the New World Order globalist cabal that so many of the Washington “elite” cater to.

I also hear the “he can’t win” line from people I talk to, and undoubtedly will hear the same from many who read this article.  Can’t win?  Why can’t he win?  He “can’t win” because of all of the people in America who would rather vote for evil out of fear of the other evil running.  Mitty the Poo doesn’t really have any support from conservative voters, and certainly not TEA Party people.  If everyone who will vote for Mitty out of the fear of another four years of Obama would vote for John Dummett it would be a slam dunk win for conservative values, for God’s values, and for We the People.  More importantly, it would be a victory for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 

We can never regain our freedom by voting for the lesser of two evils.  We the People can only win if we have the courage of our founding fathers.  I wonder how many people said George Washington could never beat the British, armed with the strongest army and the strongest navy in the world at the time.  I wonder how many people cheered Neville Chamberlain when he came back from Europe with a paper signed by Adolph Hitler that guaranteed “peace in our time”, a peace “guaranteed” by selling Czechoslovakia to Hitler?  I wonder how many people were joyous of the pact signed between Hitler and Stalin that prevented Germany from invading Russia in World War II.  Oh, wait a minute; don’t I remember reading that something went wrong there?

Signing contracts, including voting, with evil out of fear of a greater evil is not in the best interests of anyone, particularly the future of our nation.  Our Republic is gone and nearly to the point of no return.  We now live under a dictatorial oligarchy and are in danger of finding ourselves living under a tyranny akin to that of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, China, and many other repressive governments.

 If you don’t have the courage to stand up for freedom now when will you find that courage?   Will you stand and fight when they come for your bible, your guns, your food, or your home?  Will you fight when they come to round your family up to be sent to the FEMA camps, also authorized under a Republican president and Congress?  Or will you simply pack your one allowed suitcase and trod off to the slaughterhouse like the Jews did in Nazi Germany?  Those willing to bow to tyranny out of fear now will not be willing to stand up for freedom when things get much worse.  The Secret Service has already tried to intimidate Ted Nugent into submission over his remarks at the NRA convention a few weeks ago. 

John Dummett ( ) has received visits from the FBI, found his e-mail suddenly and mysteriously shut down, his computers hacked, and is receiving death threats.  This is only the beginning.  Those who believe things will be better under Mitty need to look at the last “conservative”/moderate president we elected.  This “conservative”/moderate, along with a Republican Congress, and in addition to the FEMA camps, gave us the “Patriot” Act, Homeland Security, and the TSA.  The last conservative/moderate Republican president did more to destroy our freedom than Bill Clinton.  That “conservative”/moderate was George W. Bush.

Now is not the time to compromise with evil.  Now is the time to stand up for freedom and vote for a man who is offering us a truly conservative platform.  People who say I am wasting my vote or voting for Obama are wrong.  Those voting out of fear of another Obama term are the ones wasting their votes.  I am voting from a positive position, voting for a man I believe will follow through with what he promises and give us a presidency we can once again be proud of.  I am voting for freedom now, not the hope that “someday” we will have an acceptable Republican candidate who will truly stand up for the values of God and our founding fathers.

Today, more than ever, we need a staunch conservative voice in the White House.  We need more staunch conservative voices in Congress.  John McCain, Orin Hatch, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and the others who routinely ignore the Constitution in favor of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are not leaders.  They are only interested in currying favor with despots to keep their seat in the back of Obama’s tyranny bus.  All of the dictatorships I listed earlier have their parliaments or congresses but they are only rubber stamps of a dictator, men and women who will do whatever they have to do to keep their seats of power, wealth, and prestige.

We can no longer afford to vote out of fear.  Our nation is teetering on the brink of outright dictatorship and appeasing despots never works out well for the pawns in the appeasement.  We the People must show the courage of our founding fathers and those who have sacrificed their lives to preserve our freedom over the last 236 years.  Voting for Mitty the Poo is appeasement, trying to curry favor with New World Order globalists who have nothing more than their own power.  Voting for John Albert Dummett is a vote for freedom now and in the future.


Bob Russell

April 23, 2012

Claremore, Oklahoma

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Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

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  1. Apparently Troy didn’t read the article, either that or he is not a fan of the Founding Fathers.

  2. Though I have a side of me that likes to pick out aspects of an argument that I find unjustifiable, I do agree with the underlying point that you seem to be driving home. The current political discourse (which has been overtaken, at least on the conservative spectrum, by talk radio and fox news) is proliferating a dangerous myth–anybody is better than Obama. I think that your article underscores an apparent tension in the false dichotomy that has come to characterize our current political system.

    With this aspect of the article I do agree. I do not personally agree with your position about enacting leaders who have “divine providence,” and I think there is ample reason to be skeptical of your claim that the US consitution is founded upon Biblical principles (You could perhaps try to draw a connection here, but I think that that when one chooses to take more than a cursory view of history that these arguments are more difficult to justify than what laity would wish to here).

    Nevertheless, I think that your message is particularly relevant to this audience. Individuals that view themselves as standing on one end of a reified political spectrum (i.e. left vs right) need to hear this message.

    I hope that a similar article is being written by those on the “left”.

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