Rep. Deutch: Occupy Groups Deserve a Constitutional Amendment
While the actual legislation doesn’t carry the name, didn’t have any trouble calling Rep. Ted Deutch’s (D-FL) proposed Constitutional amendment “Outlawing Corporate Cash Undermining the Public Interest in our Elections and Democray ” Yeah.. it spells OCCUPIED – according to the progressive rumor site.
First, as usual, is lying. The word “outlawing” isn’t in the resolution .. not even once – neither are several of the other words they threw out there as red meat to the the Occupy groups. Most Americans are used to progressive groups putting lies on the table in hopes they’ll stick – the name is just one more. However, the actual resolution does exist and is a dangerous piece of legislation.
While this amendment has no chance to pass Congress, much less 2/3rds of the states as is required by the Constitution, the proposed amendment has some key points of interest for voters in Rep. Ted Deutch’s district. That district is the 19th in Florida.
The resolution states its case immediately:
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to expressly exclude for-profit corporations from the rights given to natural persons by the Constitution of the United States, prohibit corporate spending in all elections, and affirm the authority of Congress and the States to regulate corporations and to regulate and set limits on all election contributions and expenditures.
The major problem is that anyone that can get a non-profit designation now has more power than the job-providing companies in the United States. Do you envy the prospect of having no choice but to work for a non-profit?
Another issue with this is that big-labor, Democrat-friendly unions are free to keep pumping a ton of cash into our government.
Rep. Deutch defended the anti-business, pro-union legislation by saying:
No matter how long protesters camp out across America, big banks will continue to pour money into shadow groups promoting candidates more likely to slash Medicaid for poor children than help families facing foreclosure. No matter how strongly Ohio families fight for basic fairness for workers, the Koch Brothers will continue to pour millions into campaigns aimed at protecting the wealthiest 1%. No matter how fed up seniors in South Florida are with an agenda that puts oil subsidies ahead of Social Security and Medicare, corporations will continue to fund massive publicity campaigns and malicious attack ads against the public interest. Americans of all stripes agree that for far too long, corporations have occupied Washington and drowned out the voices of the people. I introduced the OCCUPIED Amendment because the days of corporate control of our democracy. It is time to return the nation’s capital and our democracy to the people.
Rep. Deutch is a loon – certifiably nuts. What is it with Florida Democrats? (Alan Grayson anyone?)
Oddly-missing is a concern about the hundreds of millions of dollars being poured into Congress from SEIU, AFL-CIO, NEA, AFT, NFFE (federal employees), AFGE (government), ILA (longshoreman), ATU (transit), UAW, NAPFE (federal postal workers), IAM, UMW, IUPA (police), IBT (Teamsters), IAFF (firefighters), APWU (another postal workers union), AFSCME (state govt workers), UTU (transport), NATCA (air traffic), PACE (energy workers), UFCW (food), ALPA (pilots), USW (steel workers), TTD (third transport union), UFW (farm workers), FAST (another food workers union), PAT (another teacher’s union), TWU (4th transit union), and more.
That list is admittedly incomplete. The full list represents unions that have employees in almost every major corporation and government job in the United States. The unions take dues from all of their workers – whether or not the workers agree with how they spend it. If the employee groups have the right to bundle and send hundreds of millions to Congress, why shouldn’t the employers? Aren’t the progressives all about a level playing field?
If Rep. Deutch and the Occupy folks were serious about getting money out of American politics, they would have demanded a bill that required that NO collective funding of elections should occur. No corporations, no unions, no non-profits and no for-profits. Only direct contributions by individual citizens would be allowed – but that’s not what our desperately-in-need of union-funding Representative of the people proposed .. is it?
Ted Deutch is a politician. He isn’t any more for the occupiers than he is for Tea Partiers. He probably doesn’t like any of them. One of them is in bed with the unions and the other one is against them. That’s all this is – but you already knew that.
I agree! We need a Constitutional Amendment! Perhaps defining assembly as going home at night! 1st amendment covers PEACEFUL assembly, not occupation. But hey, I love liberals who continue to hitch their wagon to these goons! I’ll be sure to wave as they both go over the cliff!