Lets Give the Liberals the Tax Hikes They Demand: Thanksgiving Edition
As the sweet aroma of Mom’s pumpkin pie fills the home this Thanksgiving morning, and with the turkey all set to go into the oven, I decided to take the time out to give thanks to Rich Mitchell and the CDN staff for giving me the platform to share my conservative news and opinion articles today. The following is my contribution to the CDN mission by producing some out-of-the-box ideas on the most important issue facing Americans in the coming year: How to reduce our massive national debt, and how to unlock the current Congressional stalemate by giving the Democrats the tax hikes they so fiercely demand. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at CDN. Enjoy your day.
It is once again time to call the Liberal Democrat’s bluff. Let’s give them the tax increases they so heartily demand, but on their own stated ideological terms. Liberals have certain planks in their ideology that must be used in the tax increase debate up in Congress. This proposed tax increase leglislation has to include such lovely-sounding Liberal catch-phrases of wealth redistribution, social justice, equal justice, and President Obama’s personal favorite, community service. (while keeping in mind the Democrat’s past history of reneging on promised cuts in federal spending.)
Let’s start out by taking Wolf Blitzer’s often-asked question of whether GOP Presidential candidates would accept a 10 to 1 ratio of budget cuts to tax increase dollars. The GOP must call the Liberal media’s bluff and accept that scenario… in an intelligent, yet very simple way. Draw up the bill in the House of Representatives immediately that says yes, the GOP will accept $10 dollars in budget cuts for every single dollar in increases taxes. That is straight forward and simple enough, even for the mathematically challenged Democrats and President Obama to understand. Now that we have agreed to Wolf Blitzer’s leftist-parroted demands for those tax increases during the current recession, let’s take it one step further in appeasing the Liberals. Let’s add the Liberal/OWS ideological planks of equal justice, social justice, wealth redistribution and community service into the new tax increase bill shall we?
Introducing HR-2011-The Liberal Tax Increase Bill of 2011- (NOT an actual bill in congress)
Bill Sponsored by DJ Redman No Co-sponsors to date.
Section 1-A: Equal Justice for all in the form of tax increases.
Equal justice means just what the title says. Equal treatment for all Americans, regardless of race, national origin, income status, or political affiliation. Therefore, in keeping with the Liberal ideology of “equal justice for all” the tax increases will be applied to every adult of working age in America.( whether they actually work or not) Section 1-A of the Liberal tax increase bill of 2011,may also be referred to as, “Equal justice in paying your fair share in America.” In this section there will be a means tested chart for how much new taxes will be levied on every person in the USA, illegals included, regardless of private sector income. Welfare checks, rent subsidies, WIC coupons, utility bill payments, food stamps and every other hidden government pay- for- not- working entitlement program will be taxed before checks/payments will be sent out. Equal justice, as in everyone paying their fair share as outlined in this section should really have the support of every debt-spending Liberal in Congress, hands down. If the workers of America have to pay more taxes on their hard-earned wealth, making the non-workers pay taxes on their government handouts should also make the Unions quite happy. Millionaire Union Chiefs could say they are working hard to protect the workers in America by supporting tax increases on the freeloaders and non-producers of our society who unfairly burden their working class Union members. This section will do wonders for the entitlement class in America as they will be able to now stand up and be counted as actual taxpayers, instead of a 100% parasitic drain on society.
Section 1-B of the Liberal Tax Increase Bill of 2011 will include several measures of the Liberals beloved “Social Justice” plank.
Section 1-B will include mandatory work for welfare reforms built upon the 1994 GOP Welfare reform plan that reduced the number of people on welfare by 50% by the year 1998. Social justice demands that the welfare class do their part in society to reduce our national debt and rebuild America. Work for welfare will also have the added benefit of restoring some self-respect into the welfare class, so that when they scurry to their mailbox for their government entitlement ”paychecks” as they like to call them, they will have the added pleasure of knowing that they have actually earned that money. Social Justice will be well-served in this action, by evening out the class warfare of today that is being caused by 50% of the population demanding that the working class support them. True Social Justice demands that the working class be represented equally, not just the racial politics-driven minorities, the poor, or the illegal aliens in America.
Section 1–C of the Liberal Tax Increase Bill of 2011 will also include a healthy dose of the wealth redistribution that President Obama has pushed his Democrats to achieve for 3 straight years. As in any “Social Justice, and Equal Justice” driven wealth redistributive policies, there has to be fairness across the economic spectrum. This has to start with sections 1-A and 1-B, where everyone not only shares in the wealth created by the citizenry, but also must include the sharing of the debt that the very government they have elected has created. There is no justice of any form inherent in the Liberal ideology of sharing in the wealth while refusing to share in the debt at the same time, period. Every single adult in America will share in our debt, one way or the other. This is a true form of Social Justice, so it should receive 100% Democratic support. In order to not infuriate the welfare class, we will use a long standing Democratic budgetary trick in not calling it a welfare tax. Let’s instead label it “Processing Fees to Improve America” on all unearned entitlement check stubs. That way, Democrats can stand up in Congress and tell their voting base that they did not, in fact raise taxes on them. (wink) Section 1-C simply states that every adult in America will now share in our national debt, not just the working class and job-creating business class.
Section 2 of the Liberal Tax Increase Bill of 2011 will contain penalties provisions that simply states that any elected official found to be in violation of the 10 to 1 budget cuts to tax increases ratio in this bill, (as Democrats did when they increased spending by $480 billion after promising President Reagan $280 billion in cuts) will face an immediate Bernie Madoff-style trial after being suspended from Congress. For every dollar they are found to be increasing in spending instead of cutting, they will forfeit $10 dollars of their personal wealth, most of which they have acquired through illegal insider trading and ripping off the taxpayers to begin with. Every elected official who’s signature is found to be on any spending bill breaking the 10 to 1 budget cuts to tax increases provisions in this bill will share equally in paying off the illegal increased spending. How;s that for “Equal Justice” Congress ? We the people will now be able to hold elected officials responsible for their debt-spending thanks to the Liberal tax Increase bill of 2011. In the case of elected members of Congress found guilty of increasing spending under this new law, and who can not afford to repay the citizenry the full amount, see section 3.
Section -2-A of the Liberal Tax Increase Bill of 2011 will include a very healthy dose of Barack Obama’s ideological roots that propelled him into politics in the first place: Community service. Any elected official found to be in violation of section 2, and can not repay the citizenry for the illegal spending increases outlines in this bill will be mandated to perform community service to pay off their debt to society at a rate of 1 hour for every dollar they owe the American public. With the massive increases of manpower derived from this penalty phase, politicians caught lying to the American people and not making the agreed upon budget cuts, will be mandated to do everything Barack Obama says his fake jobs bill would do: We will rebuild all of our bridges, roadways, and schools with this new-found free labor. We will send our convicted politicians into the downtrodden slums and ghettos to clean them up, giving Barack Obama and his Democrats the “urban renewal” they so desire, and it won’t cost the taxpayers one thin dime in labor. We can also have criminal politicians save the Post Office from the government and labor-union caused bankruptcy crisis they are currently under, by having them sort and deliver mail as part of their community service. Democrats have always been the champions of imprisoned felons rights groups, so we shall also mandate that all prisoners do extensive community service as part of the new social justice programs in HR 2011, thereby supplying America with an estimated annual 500 million free man-hours of labor to rebuild America. Felonious members of Congress will be working side by side with the convicted murderers, rapists, Occupy Wall Street vermin, welfare class, and convicted illegal drug cartel members in the ultimate form of their beloved Social Justice.
*HR-2011 is reported to have national bi-partisan support, according to several ex-members of Congress, unnamed sources,and distant friends of ex-Congressional aides, all of whom who wish to remain anonymous for personal and national security reasons.
*HR-2011 is estimated to cut our national debt by over $4 trillion dollars a year by the newly formed *Common Sense Home Budgetarians/Working Taxpayers of America Foundation.
*Yes these statements are made in humor, using fictitious group’s names to make the point of how our government uses their government-funded non-profit puppet organizations statistics and unnamed sources to claim bi-partisan support, budgetary savings etc.