
‘Hope and Change’ I Hope we get a Change in 2012

It’s hard to believe that there are still 22% of the nation’s voters that Strongly Approve of the way that Obama is performing his role as president. How could someone “strongly approve” of what Obama is doing? Forty percent strongly disapprove of the job Obama is doing – I am one of them.

Obama’s stimulus plan failed miserably. It was supposed to create three million jobs, but the economy has lost 2.5 million jobs. The unemployment rate recently rose to 9.1 percent and 36% of working age Americans aren’t currently in the workforce. The New York Times said it best “This is not what a recovery is supposed to look like.” According to a newsletter I received – “replacing the jobs lost throughout this recession could take another nine years.”

Each day it seems I read something from Ray LaHood or Joe Biden – Obama’s two main crony’s –  that says they are creating jobs and they really know how to do it. But, sadly the millions of people that have lost their jobs don’t think so. The question I have is where are these jobs? I have kept up with the job market even after “retiring” I know it is bad. The evidence of all these jobs lost suggest that this Administration is off target and moving in the wrong direction.

A major overhaul is needed in the current administration because we don’t need any more borrowing, or bailouts, or government spending, and mandates and taxes. This administration needs to set its eyes on small businesses. That’s where most of the private sector jobs come from – or use to. Another newsletter stated “Congress needs to move forward with policies that encourage entrepreneurship, cultivate innovation, reward hard work and empower the American people to lead us toward prosperity.”

This country was founded by people willing to undertake a risk on their ideas of starting a business. We need to go back to this way of thinking. The problem is that these people in small businesses are afraid of the predictions of the future. Increases in taxes are what is stopping them from hiring, or even starting their new business or even expanding an existing business. Obama’s ad campaign of “change” worked once, but it’s time for a much needed change again.

It’s time for Americans to take a stand – and take back America from the Obama’s who have stolen her, and are in the process of destroying her. She needs us now more than ever, we must not fail, we must prevail in our attempts to remove “King Obama” from his dominion in 2012.

Obama has labored to deliver on the pledge that he made while campaigning – change. He pushed a controversial stimulus bill through Congress to help rev up the economy – in which it didn’t, he then turned Bush’s reluctant bailout of Chrysler and General Motors into a giant government auto buyout – again he failed and appointed a record number of “czars” to help regulate bureaucracies in both public and formerly private sectors – another ultimate failure.

We must keep bringing up the failures that Obama has had. If we don’t and people forget all the things he has done – then he might get re-elected. And that is something we DO NOT need!

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. I’m sure the WH is engineering a mega-disaster for their messiah to fix for a huge poll bump next year. Question is, what will it be? My guess: Millions of new private sector jobs… who knows maybe they will work for Obama’s much hailed (but media muted) “Civilian National Security Force” that is “just as well funded as the military.”

    Those words alone caused me to vote no for him the first time.

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